How to Become a Creative

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Creativity is not just for artists only. He became the springboard for success in all areas of a person. They know how to use creative thought in solving the problem will become a most brilliant career in, build a lot of business that is profitable and successful attract many colleagues who wisely clever.

Everyone has the power of creativity itself. be pitied really, they do not learn how to use them. Power of creativity is stored in their minds, do not use every day. This report on how to disassemble mysteries become a creative and successful!

How Using Policy :

"OH yes, why do not I thought like that?" Is not it that you always say when someone has answers to the problem a little complicated? If the problem can not be kind of normal, creative people do not hesitate to think in a way different approach.

For example is Ulyssess S. Grant. Abraham Lincoln, president of USA like telling stories about Grant, as the small, like he use to understand the calf that is not like anyone. Calf is very hard head and he was bought by a circus players, who offer money to anyone who has control at the time specified.

Grant saw some young people who are older thrown away over the land by calf when they try to control. He tried to climb the body of the calf and successfully survive some time but eventually fell also. Then, he uses policy. After obtain permission to try again, this time he will resolve this problem than another angle.

Rather than ride as usual, he jumped over the bodies of oxen with the upside, look towards the tail and not the head. The slave to catch the calf stomach with legs and hold the oxtail with both hands. However despite a cow and shake it, he still can not throw the slaves. Calf was successfully defeated and Ulysses S. Grant and win prizes. After the big, Grant entered the army and take the battalion and win war.

Grant of this experience has provided two important purposes of creativity; such a remarkable one for a complex problem.

2.strike new concept.

update yourself with creativity

Confidence is a key towards creativity. If you know that there is one way to solve the problem (although you do not know) you get the spirit to find the answer. Someone who always gives political ideas are not more creative than all of us. They actually have more confidence.

How can you have confidence like that? Knowing that;

"There is a solution for every problem and ideas for each case"

Be sure if the first is the principle, which is both mind (mind) is free. Creator of the phone, Alexander Graham Bell said:

Do not always use public roads, go where others have never been away. Go to a place that you never go away. You will surely meet with something that you never see this before. One discovery will take you to the discovery of one another, and without you realize you have something good for thought. All the important findings is derived from the thought.

A free mind not bridled with the usual way. Despite any other people also said, he knows there are answers for every problem and ideas for every matter, and he is not afraid to try any possible form.

Complete Problems With Creativity

There is one way to increase your creativity in solving any problem is also difficult. Start by knowing this secret;

If a problem can not be completed with the conventional way, it is usually because there is no chain links (missing links).

Grant problems that can not survive over the long calf earlier in the beginning because there is no place to go. That said, there is no chain links. Therefore, this is the first step that needs to be taken to seek a settlement to the problem is difficult to determine if the chain does not have that connection. Your objective is to find a case, if it will solve the problem existed. Do not be hesitant at first if you can make the connection or not. Search only if the absence of any connection.

In the 1930M, Aramco, the joint Arab-American Oil Company requires a vehicle that can run over the sand. The problem is that the sand is submerged vehicle tires and not moving. Because there is no study that made up this problem, Aramco Mechanical, Richard Kerr does not have any technical data to create a form that can be capture ban on the sand. So, first things is to find that there is no connection (missing link), namely the lack of data special techniques.

The second step is to find a way to get the appropriate data. Testing is one way but it took a bit longer. He currently looking for ideas to solve them, one way is to mimic the camel, which does not have any problem running over the sand. Although heavy and large, the camel is not easy to sink in the sand.

Although the idea was a bit mad, capture used by the camel would be used by vehicles. He measures the area of the foot of the camel and take the weight of a camel. This gives him special techniques data to determine the form and pressure of the wheels needed in the quicksand. Finally, he successfully created the appropriate tires to use in the sand. Ban is created so that it is still used today by quicksand vehicle commercial vehicles.

Engineering Missing Link is one important things you need to know to settle any problems that also arise. He increase the creativity in your search for a settlement that may never Think before you this.

How to Get Creative Ideas

We already discussed in the use of creativity to solve the problem. Now how to use it to get ideas, which can provide many opportunities to us.

Most of the best inventions in this world found accidentally. Isaac Newton surprised if one apple fruit drop over his head, then where has he encountered the theory of gravity. William H. Mason also is trying to find ways to take advantage of the droppings from the wood beam saw. After visiting the area regulation wood blocks, he saw a lot of wood that are removed. He took all the wood-wood and small to be incorporated a board when given the high pressure can provide a strong panel, as we find today is wood play.

Is something which is a discovery and creation is found in a way that is not intentional, and forgotten the original idea to forward the new project more profitable.

This gives one to the discovery of new ideas that we never original. He is a combination of ideas and change the other. Bill Gates is not created as a computer Steve Jobs (Apple computer), but writing software for the apple and then the opportunity to see more bright if the software can be used by all types of computers. Windows is now used by his creation of almost all the computer world. Hence why you need to make every effort created new ideas, while the idea that you need already exist in different circumstances? Think about the possibilities. Do not wait until you get the inspiration for a creative idea, but you can try the original idea, change that needs to be one that you need.

Down-conscious mind (subconscious):

Gives you the idea and is very important to remember that there are answers for every problem and ideas for every purpose. You may not realize that the ideas and answers that may be stored in your mind.

The saintis has made studies and found there were 15 millions data have been stored in your mind throughout life. If data collection is here, how many billion of data that can be realized with a combination of data's. With this potential, there are likely answer is very high.

That's good news. Not good news is 90 percent of the information is stored in the down-conscious mind (senses to six) you, there is no easy way to open it. He quit when he wants and does not leave you at the time and being aware of it. So what do you need to retrieve the data - this data is to sleep with! Many important ideas and findings have been made after you sleep soundly. You should know that he comes from down-conscious mind you.

How it applies is as follows;

• When you are aware and trying to find the answer to your problem, under-conscious mind you are also aware of what you are looking for.

• The bottom-conscious you never rest, even though you're sleeping. He always chose the data stored therein.

• Minutes, hours or days after you stop thinking of the problem, under-conscious mind will give you answers to your thumb, you suddenly get new ideas, or answers to a complex problem when you are making other things.

For example Sir Walter Scott got the idea when the new building's just sleeping. Einstein was reportedly got the idea while best shave beard. Thomas Edison also try after some time, will stop for 24 hours and at that time he will find ideas - new ideas. Mozart also told that his songs get ideas while snore. When awake, he will write a memorandum that the track when he can sleep.

Do not wrong, in a matter that needs to be taken care: every person above is that they are experts in their field - each. They did not become a genius from the ideas that come while sleeping. Subconscious mind only select the information that has saved a few years and report the data as you want.

Therefore, valuable information that you need to get your own just do it. No-engineering techniques may creative ideas you will be saved as such.

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