From Hudhayfah bin Al Yamani, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad said, 'There will be the propagators' who invites to hell. Anyone who meets the invitation, then he will be cast into hell.' Then I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, name their characteristics to us?' He answered, 'Those are the same skin and speak the same language with us.' I asked again, 'What do you say to me if I see it?' He replied, 'How Firm Hold the Muslim congregation and their priests. If they do not have a Muslim congregation and priests, then stay away from all of these groups even though you have to bite the trunk until death meet you and you are still in your situation.' "
[Saheeh: Ash-Shahihah (2739). Muttafaq 'Alaih.]
Of 'Auf bin Malik, he said: "Prophet Muhammad said," The Jews split into seventy-one group, one group will go to heaven, while the seventy-class hell. And the Christians split into seventy-two groups, seven twenty-one groups will go to hell, and one class while going to heaven. For the Essence of Muhammad's soul is in His hands, my people will eventually split into seventy-three groups, one group will go to heaven, while the seventy-two in hell. ' Then he, 'O Messenger of Allah, who are they (who go to heaven it)?' He replied, 'Jama'ah (Ahlussunnahwal Jama'ah)'. "
[Saheeh: Ar-Raudh An-Nadir, Zhilal Al Jannah (63), Ash-Shahihah No.1492]
From Abu Hurairah RA, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad said, 'Seven groups shaded God on the day that there was no shade else besides His shade; imam fair, the young man who always worship God, those whose heart is always close to the mosque , two people who love each other as God met and parted for him, and the man who is seduced by a woman who has the rank and beauty then he said, "I fear God," those who give alms and then cover it, to the extent that his left hand does not know wherewithal what his right hand, and the person who always dhikr to God to tears. '' '
[Muslim 3/93]