"We asked the Prophet: 'O Messenger of Allah, how long he lived and live on earth?'. He said: 'For forty days. A day like a year, a day like like a month, a day like a week, and throughout the next day as the day you '. We then asked the Prophet: 'O Messenger of Allah, the day is like a year, if we pray enough for a day?'. The Apostle replied: 'No, but the measure as the normal day', "
[Hadith Muslim History]
"The earth will be rolled up to him; he was holding clouds in his right hand, and precedes the setting sun in place; the ocean is only ankle-deep; in front of him is a mountain full of smoke."
[Kanzul-'Ummal, volume VII, page 2998]
Dajjal enemy of Allah, will appear and he will be accompanied by an army composed of Jews and all kinds of people "
[Kanzul-'Ummal, volume VII, p. 2974]
Has been reported to us by Abu Al Mughirah have told us Al Auza'i of Muhammad bin Hassan Abu Aisha he said; I heard Abu Hurairah said, "The Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:" If one of you has finished praying, then he should seek refuge in Allah from four cases; from the torment of Hell, torment grave, slander of life and death and evil Messiah Dajjal. "It has told us Muhammad ibn Kathir of Al Auza'i like that."
[Ad-Darimi No.1310]
Like the above Hadith it is said that there is defamation in life conducted by the Antichrist. If we enter into the parable that is news from newspapers, radio, or TV, then why are accepted in those sayings slander life? whether that is done by people from mouth to mouth? the answer is in the picture above. It is said that the microchip embedded in Napoleon Bonaparte as a baby. Ever heard the hadith that if a baby is born into the world, then she would cry because devil touched? Come to think of further, very idly once devils touch the baby, especially a newborn. Why the devil did the deed? whether there are certain tasks? it says in the Koran:
And do not ever deluded by the devil; The devil indeed a clear enemy.
[Az Zukhruf 43/62]
If Napoleon Bonaparte actually abducted by a UFO flying saucer that has existed since the time of the Prophet Sulayman, and they are Djin Djin-being messengers of Solomon as to be the builder and maker of tools for use by humans.
The genie was made to Solomon what he wanted from tall buildings and statues and plates that (magnitude) such as a pool and a fixed pot (located on top of the stove). Work O house of David to give thanks (to Allah). And very few of My servants are grateful.
[Saba '34/13]
And indeed it is of the devil Djin nation as well.
And We have created the jinn before (Adam) from a very hot fire.
[Al Hijr 15/27]
and He created the jinn from smokeless fire.
[Ar Rahmaan 55/15]
Said 'Ifrit (ingenious) from the class of Jinn: "I will come to you to bring it to you before you stand up from your seat; in fact I really powerful to bring it more reliable."
[An Naml 27/39]
Abu Umamah said, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "At the end of time, there will be people who carry a whip which resembles a cow. They went on the morning of the wrath of God and return in the afternoon also the wrath of God. "
Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "There are two groups of my people that I never seen before, one of which is the people who carry a whip which is similar to cows, which they use to whip man."
Abu Hurairah said, too, that the Prophet Muhammad said, "If you live long, you will be met with a people who in the morning they leave the house with the wrath of God, and return in the afternoon with his curse. In their hand grip there is something similar to cows. "
[Hadith Muslim History]
From Abu Hurairah RA, that the Prophet Muhammad has said, "There will be a shortage of foodstuffs not because no rain. But the rain still fell, but the earth will not grow anything."
[Muslim 8/180]
Of Usama bin Zaid RA, that the Prophet Muhammad once looked toward one of the township of Medina. After that, he asked, "Do you also look like what I see? What I see some places a libel on the sidelines of your house that is uneven, as raindrops."
[Muslim 8/168]
Of Abu Musa, he said, 'Prophet Muhammad said,' Surely there will be fitnah that befell you came (complicate you) like a beam of darkness. (When it was) a person of faith in the morning and become infidels when the afternoon before. The person sitting will be better than the people standing, and people were standing would be better than the people who walk, and people on foot would be better than the people who run small. "Some people asked the Prophet, 'So what would that be you say to us (address such conditions)?' He replied, 'Stay in your home (keep your houses)'. "
[Abu Daud No.4262]
From Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari, he said, the Prophet Muhammad said, "Indeed when Judgment Day approaching, there will be fitnah that comes as the dark of night. Someone will have faith in the morning and become infidels in the afternoon, people sitting would be better than the people standing, the person who runs better than the trot. So (then) Break your arrows and cut the strings you, plug it in your swords in stone (not fight). and if there is someone you come (to kill you), then act like your best man. "
[Abu Daud No.4259]
From Abu Hurairah RA, that the Prophet Muhammad has said, "Verily apocalypse will not happen, but after the Euphrates comes down from the mountain of gold. In these places, people kill each other, up to one hundred people there are ninety-nine to be killed. In addition, each person says, 'Hopefully I include those who will be saved.' "
[Muslim 8/174]
And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy, the devil (of sorts) and human (and type) jinn, some of them whispered to the others words beautiful things to deceive (mankind). If thy Lord willed, they would not do it, then leave them and what they invent.
[Al An'am 6/112]
Dajjal will come down on the salt plains area called Marriqanah. Then that many women follow is, until a man went home to his wife, mother and daughter and sister and aunt then they tied for fear lest out to meet the Dajjal and follow it. "
[Hadith narrated by Ahmad (7/190) and classed as saheeh by Ahmad Asyakir]
"Most people who follow the Dajjal is the Jews, women, and commoners"
[Kanzul-'Ummal, volume VII, p. 2065]
Has told me Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Qahzadz one resident Marv, have told us Abdullah bin Uthman of Abu Hamza of Qais bin Wahab Abu Al Waddak of Abu Sa'eed Al Khudri said: Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: " Dajjal appears and someone from among the mu`minin toward him and the army of Dajjal who armed him, they asked: 'Are you going?'
The believers are answered: 'Want to those who came.' They ask: 'What you will not believe there is a god we? '
The believers are answered: 'Our Lord is not faint.' They said: 'Kill him.' Then they each said to one another: 'Is not our god forbid you to kill anyone besides him.' They led him to the Antichrist.
When the believers are seeing it, he said, 'O mankind, this is the Dajjal called by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa Salam. '
Then Dajjal ordered cleaved. He said, 'Take and divide him.' Back and stomach filled with a punch and then Dajjal asked: 'What you will not believe me? '
believers are replied: 'You are the Messiah a liar? '
then Dajjal ordered sawed from head to halfway between the two legs. After that Dajjal walking between two pieces of the body and said: 'Stand up,' body was also established.
Furthermore Dajjal asked him: 'What are you faithful to me? '
he replied: 'I'm getting to know you.'
After that Dajjal said: 'O mankind, indeed none were done like this after me.'
Then Dajjal pick for slaughter, then between the neck and collarbone were given silver, but are not able to kill Dajjal. Then the hands and feet of people was taken and thrown, people assumed thrown into hell, but in fact he was thrown to heaven. "Then the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said:" He is a man whose testimony the greatest side the whole universe Rabb . "
[Muslim Hadith No.5230.]
In the hadeeth of An-Nawwas bin Sam'an radi 'anhu mentioned, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
"... He went to the ruins and said: 'Take out your treasury.' Treasuries follow Dajjal came out like a bunch of bees."
[Hadith Muslim History no. 2937]
Prophet Muhammad said:
walahu himar yarkabuhu 'ardhu bayna udzunayhi arba'unadziroo "a.
He has a donkey he was riding, the width between the two ears 40 feet.
[Reported by Ahmad in Musnad l, and the judge in al-Mustadrok]
"No single country except the Dajjal will enter, except Makkah and Madinah. He did not find a crack / driveway unless there are angels lined up guard it. "
[History of Hadith Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu]
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The name Al-Basir which means that The Seer.
The name Ar-Raqiib which means that Aware, Maha-watching.
"There are some people who are friends with the Dajjal will say:" We know that the anti christ is pagan, but we were friends with the Antichrist, so we can eat from the food, and so we can feed our cattle from the trees "
[Kanzul-'Ummal; vol VII, page 2092]
"Indeed, three years before the appearance of anti christ, in the first year, the sky hold a third of the rain water, earth hold back third of its growth, and in the second year, the sky hold two-thirds of rain water, and the earth also hold two-thirds of their crops, and in the year the third heavens hold all that is on it and so does the earth, so that ruined any land which has a large fork and spade. "
["The Story of the Antichrist", Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Albani; Reader Imam ash-Shafi'i; p. 92]
'Indeed, anti christ is a man short, bowlegged, curly hair, blind eye, and blurred eyes not prominent nor sunken, if he deceive you then know that God is not blind you'
[Saheeh. 23 144 hadith narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud 4320]
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Believe it not, that Mark Zuckerberg was claimed to be descendants of Jews who Moslem? |
From Imran bin Hushain, he said, Rasululah Muhammad said, "Whoever heard (know) the arrival of the Antichrist, let him immediately away from it. Because, for the sake of Allah, a man will come anti christ and expected it as a believer, until then he will follow it -the doubtful that scattered anti christ. "Thus he said.
[Saheeh: Al Misykah 5488]
Among slander anti christ, he will say to the Arabs, "What do you think if I raise the father and mother, then you testify that I am your Lord, do you want?" "Yes, it would," replied the Arab people. Then two demon resembles the shape of both father and mother then said, "O my son, follow him (ie Dajjal), because he is your Lord".
[Hadith Ibn Majah no. 4077. This hadith saheeh said Sheikh Al Albani in Saheeh Al-Jami as' no. 7875]
Has told us Musa bin Ismail has told us Juwairiyah from Nafi 'from' Abdullah said, "anti christ is mentioned in the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, then he commented"' God is not vague for you, God does not blind side while he demonstrated with his hands to his eyes' and that al still anti christ blind right hand, as if his eyes jutting wine. "
[Bukhari No.6858]
Has told us Bayan ibn 'Amr have told us late-Nadlar has been reported to us by Ibn' Aun from Mujahid that he heard Ibn 'Abbas when people call about anti christ that he Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam tells us that among the two anti christ eyes written the word "pagan" or no letter Kaaf, faa 'and Raa (Kaaf-Faa-Ra). Then Ibn 'Abbas said: "I've never heard of it. But he said:" As for Abraham, then take a look at this friend (referring to he himself) while the Prophet Musa, well-built and strong, brown-skinned like camels red colored stamped with grape leaves. As I see it going down the valley while remembering GOD ".
[Bukhari No.3016]
From Abu Hurairah RA, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad has said, 'By the apocalypse later, you would have to fight against people who wear sandals fluffy cloth, their faces like shields forged iron, red-faced, and slanted eyes.' "
[Muslim 8/183]
Differences sandals with Tank is, sandals entered latrines, and tanks entered mesium. Very similar when viewed from the perspective that shapes the body there are similarities.
From Huzaifah RA, he said, "Prophet Muhammad said, Anti Christ have insular left eye, longish hair, and with heaven and hell, then hell is heaven and paradise is hell'."
[Ibn Majah No.3306-4144]
Has told us Musaddad have told us Yahya had told us Isma'il had told me Qais said, Mughirah bin Shu'bah told me; Nobody is more asked the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam about Anti Christ than I, and he said to me: "He did not harm you', I say; 'That is because people say that the Anti Christ bring mountain bread and flowing streams.' The Prophet said: "It is all for Allah is trivial."
[Bukhari No.6589]
Of Al Mughirah bin Shu'bah RA, he said, "No one asked the Prophet Muhammad about the anti christ more than my questions to him in the same question." Then he said to me, "My son, what makes you toil to think about it? Verily Anti Christ will not harm you." Al Mughirah said, "People suspect that the anti christ will bring river water and mountains of bread." Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah is Able to do even greater things than that."
[Muslim 6/177]
Has told us Abu Nu'aim have told us Syaiban of Yahya of Abu Salamah I heard Abu Hurairah radliallahu 'anhu said; Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Would you tell me about the Anti Christ that has never been told by a The Prophet to his people, that he was blind in one eye and he came up with the imagery of heaven and hell. Then he says as heaven is real hell, and I tell you as Prophet Nuh tell his people ".
[Bukhari No.3090]
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In Currency $ 50 are above the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" in blue, then below it says "US CAPITOL", red. |
Have told us' Abdan My father has told me of Shu'bah of 'Abdul Malik of Rib'i of Khudzaifah of the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said about the Antichrist; "He brought water and fire, visible fire is cold water, and the water is visible fire." And Abu Mas'ud said; I heard it from the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
[Bukhari No.6597]
Has told us Abdullah bin Umar bin Muhammad bin Aban bin Salih and Muhammad ibn Yazid Al Rifa'I text belongs Aban, both said: It tells us Fudhail of Abu Isma'il Ibn Abu Hazim from Abu Hurayrah said: the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: "by the One that my soul is in his hands, the world will not disappear until someone crosses the grave and then stopped at the top of it and said:' I wish I was the occupant of this grave, 'while he has no religion other than trial'."
[Muslim Hadith no.5176]
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Try to note the google glass. screen one on the right continues to tilt. Which left no screen, the place for anchoring in the nose (no nothing). |
From Ibn Umar RA, he said, "One day the Prophet Muhammad standing in front of people, then he praised Allah and explained about the Antichrist. He said, 'I really give a warning to you. No one prophet unless he has give a warning to his people. Noah a.s has given warning to his people, but I will give an explanation to you about an issue that has not been revealed by a prophet to his people-even before this, Surely he (Anti Christ) was cross-eyed, whereas Allah it is not cross-eyed. "
[Saheeh: Muttafaq 'Alaih, Qishshah Dajjal.]
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud, he said, "The Messenger Muhammad SAW said, 'Going out in the last days of the group of young age and weak minds. They speak words from the best of the human words and read the Koran but did not get past the their throats. they come out of Islam such as the release of an arrow from a bow that the prey animal. Whoever met them, then kill them. Because killing them is a reward from God for people who can kill '. "
[Hasan-Saheeh: az-Zhilal (914), Ar-Raudh (684). Muttafaq alaih of Ali bin Abu Talib history of RA.]
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud RA, of the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "Raha (war) of Islam will flare in thirty-five, thirty-six, or thirty-seven. If they perish, then that is the way of those who perish, but if they enforce their religion, it will last up to seventy years. "then I asked," will less than that or more? "He said, "More than that."
[Saheeh: Ash-Shahihah (976)]
From Abu Hurairah RA, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad has said, 'The population of Iraq will resist currency and measuring. The population of the Sham will reject the measure and its currency. Egyptians will reject the measure and its currency. Then you will come back again from the beginning. Then you will come back again from the beginning. Then you will come back again from the beginning. 'Flesh and blood of Abu Hurairah also witnessed the words of the Prophet Muhammad.
[Muslim 8/175]
From Abu Hurairah RA of the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "Doomsday will not happen until the the Beast liars, amounting to nearly thirty people where all claiming to be the messenger of God."
[Muslim 8/189]
Has told us Zuhair bin Harb has told us Jarir of 'Umarah bin Al Qa'qa' of Abu Zur'ah of Abu Hurayrah radliallahu 'anhu said: "Always I love Banu Tamim". And has told me Ibn Salam has been reported to us Jarir ibn 'Abdul Hamid of Al Mughirah of Al Harith from Abu Zur'ah of Abu Hurairah And of 'Umarah of Abu Zur'ah of Abu Hurairah says: "Always I love Bani Tamim ever since I heard three cases is said by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam where he said, about those who I heard it, he said:" They is my ummah loudest opposition to the Dajjal. "He said:" When it comes alms of them, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "This is the charity of our people". And when amongst them were taken prisoner by 'Aisha, he said: "Liberate, because he was a descendant of Prophet Ismail".
[Bukhari No.2357]
From Abu Hurairah RA, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "It's not going to happen until the Day of Judgement treasures abound, and the emergence of slander, as well as the rise of chaos." The Companions asked, "Do you mean the chaos, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "War, war, war." He said it three times.
[Ibn Majah No.3287-4119]
From Abu Hurairah RA of the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "The fence is locked Gog and Magog has been opened partially like this" Wuhaib calculate ninety times with his finger.
[Muslim 8/166]
The Prophet said, "Mom and Dad Dajjal that passes without a marriage for 30 years gave birth to a single child. Then born of them a boy who blind eye. He became one of the most dangerous and the least amount of benefits (for both parents and for humanity). His eyes fell asleep, but his heart is stay awake. "
[Hadith History History of Imam Ahmad in his Musnad]
From Hudzaifah bin Acid, he said, "Prophet Muhammad never seen us from the window when we were discussing about the Day of Judgment. Then he said, 'It's not going to happen until the Day of Judgment the ten signs: (ie) Dajjal, the emergence of the cloud, and the rising of the sun from a sinking '. "
[Saheeh: Muslim. Detailed written on hadith no. 4123.]
Has said Al-Qurtubi: "The scholars said: Faith someone is not useful when the sun rose from the west (for those who do not believe earlier), because on the one that plunged very deep fear in the hearts so turn off all the lust of the soul, and the whole power of the body becomes weak. All humans when it became convinced the apocalypse was near such a state people coming death (breathe-death) to him in terms of the dissolution of any solicitation to commit adultery and the futility of what is on the body / themselves. Anyone who repent in this state (when the sun rises from the west), then repentance is not accepted as non-acceptance of repentance those who breathe-death ".
[Saheeh Al-Bukhariy, Kitaabur-Riqaaq (11/352 alongside Al-Fath) and Saheeh Muslim, Kitaabul-Iimaan, Baab al-Zamani Alladzii Yuqbalu fiihil laa-Iiman (2/194 together Syarh An-Nawawiy).]
Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah radliyallaahu 'anhu bahwasannya Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "It is not erect the Day of Judgment until the sun rises from the west. If he had risen (from the west) and humans see it, then believe in them all. On the day it is not beneficial faith in someone who did not believe before that day or not seek goodness in the faith ".
[At-Tadzkirah (p. 706) and Tafseer Al-Qurthubiy (7/146).]
It was reinforced again by history:
إن الشمس والقمر يكسيان بعد ذلك الضوء والنور, ثم يطلعان على الناس ويغربان
"Verily the sun and moon will shine again after that, and then the sunrise and sunset in humans as usual".
And narrated from 'Abdullah ibn' Amr, of the Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
يبقى الناس بعد طلوع الشمس من مغربها عشرين ومئة سنة
"Humans live on Earth after the sun rises from the west for 120 years".
[Tafsir Al-Qurthubiy (7 / 146-147) and At-Tadzkirah (p. 706).]
From Abu Hurairah RA, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad has said, 'Doomsday will not happen until there were two large groups-kill to kill each other. Both groups will suffer losses and will lose enormous casualties, while their demands are the same. '' "
[Muslim 8/170]
From Anas bin Malik RA, that the Prophet Muhammad has said, "There will be seventy thousand Jews Ashfahan who follow Anti christ. They wear robes greatness"
[Muslim 8/207]
Ummu Syarik RA, he heard the Messenger Muhammad SAW said, "People who are in the mountains will run from the Anti Christ." Then Ummu Syarik asked, "O Messenger of Allah, at the time where the Arabs are?" Prophet Muhammad replied, "At that time they were very little."
[Muslim 8/207]
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An Nawwas of bin Sam'an said: Early one morning, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam mention the Antichrist, his voice lowered and raised his voice, until we assumed there was a group of palm trees. We left the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam then we came back again, he knows what is done by us, and then he asked: "what is it with you guys?" Our answer: O Messenger of Allah, you mention that the Dajjal in one morning, but you turn down, and turn up the volume until we assumed there was around a palm tree, he said: "In addition anti christ more I worry about you guys, when he showed up and I was the middle being surrounded you, I'm going to beat him, not you, and when he appeared, and I was not there in the midst of you, then everyone is an advocate for himself and God is my successor upon every Muslim, he is young curls, his eyes bulging, like 'Abdu Al 'Uzza bin Qathan.
Prophet Muhammad shallallahu'alaihi wassallam berkhutbah stung by a scorpion in his state. He said: "You said there was no enemy. When in fact you will continue to fight against the enemy until the arrival of Gog and Magog, wide face, small (narrow) eyes, and there was white hair on top. They flow from the high places, as if their faces like shields. "
[Hadith narrated by Ahmad]
Prophet Muhammad SAW said as follows: "Verily Gog wa Ma'uj is a descendant of Adam.
[Kanzul 'Ummal, vol VII page. 2158]
Another hadith explains that God told Isa al-Masih as follows: "Behold, I have created a class of people, which no one can destroy, unless I'm alone".
[Kanzul 'Ummal, Volume VII, page 3021]
They will drink all the water in the world, to the point where they are through a river, they drink all the water and leave the river was dry. "
[Kanzul 'Ummal vol VII, page 2157]
Has told us Ali bin Hujr As Sa'di has told us Aburrahman bin Yazid bin Abdullah bin Jabir and Al Walid bin Muslim, said Ibn Hujr: Hadits one hadith blend on the other. Of Abdurrahman bin Yazid bin Jabir with this sanad as we have mentioned, but he added after the words of his: "Earlier there was water here," "They walked up to the mountain wine, mountain Baitul Maqdis, they say: 'We have killed those people who are on earth, let us kill that is in heaven. 'They also scored their arrows into the sky, and God turned blood red arrows. "Mentioned in the history of Ibn Hujr: "Behold, I have lowered my servants, no one can fight against them."
[It has told us Abu Zuhair bin Harb Khaitsamah have told us Al Walid bin Muslim has told me Abdurrahman bin Yazid bin Jabir has told me Yahya bin Jabir Ath Tho`i Himsh judge, had told me Aburrahman bin Jubair from his father, Jubair bin Nufair Al Hadlrami he heard Sam'an An Nawwas bin Al Kilabi. Has told me Mohammed bin Mihran Ar Razi, his text, has told us Al Walid bin Muslim has told us Abdurrahman bin Yazid bin Yahya bin Jabir Jabir from Ath Tha`i of Abdurrahman ibn Jubayr ibn Nufair of his father, Jubair bin Nufair Hadith Muslim No.5228]
Has told me Amru An Naqid, Al Hasan Al Hulwani and Abdulhamid bin Humaid, they are almost the same text and the following text belongs to Abdu, he said: It tells me, while others said: It tells us Ya'qub ibn Ibrahim ibn Sa ' ad has told us my father of Salih from Ibn Shihab has apprise me Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Utbah that Abu Sa'eed al Khudri said: It tells us of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam on one day a long story about the Dajjal, among tell us who he is: "He went to a mountain road in Medina when Medina is forbidden for him to arrive on the ground in part after Medina. It was a man's best or among the best blocking, he said, 'I testify that you are the Dajjal ever told Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam to us.' Dajjal said: 'What do you think, if I kill this person and then I turn back, do you still doubt it?' They replied: 'No.' Even kill Anti Christ then turn it back on.
When turn it on, he said: 'By Allah, I have never been more understand you exceed this time.' the of the Antichrist wants to kill him but he was unable to master it. '"Abu Ishaq said: Some say that the man is Khadhir as has been told me Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Ad Darimi has been reported to us by Abu Al Yemen has been reported to us from Az Zuhri Shoaib in this sanad with a similar honor.
[Muslim Hadith No.5229]
We asked: Messenger of Allah, how the speed of the earth? Prophet Muhammad shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: As the rain winds terminated. He came to people and call on them, they accept it, he ordered that the sky rained down, and the sky rained down, he commanded the earth to issue herbs, earth and brought out vegetation and livestock they go with a long hump, wide hull and a bag containing milk and destruction came and he said to him: 'Remove your mistress treasure.' Then follow it like a treasure stash male bees.
Then he called a young teenager, he cut it with a sword and then cutting it off into two parts and then called him, he came nodding his face, laughing, when he was like that, suddenly 'Isa son of Maryam down the east of Damascus in the white tower with wearing two shirts with motifs Zafaran, as he put his hands on the wings of two angels, when he lowered his head, water hatch and when he raised his head sweat pouring like a pearl, not the unbelievers smell him except death and the smell of his breath as far as his eyes could see.
Isa search for of the Antichrist up to meet him at the door of Ludd and killed him. After that, Jesus son of Mary came to a people who are guarded by the God of the of the Antichrist. He wiped their faces and tell their ranks in heaven. As they like it, Allah revealed to him: 'Behold, I have issued my servants, no one can fight against them, because it is lead away my servants to Thur. God sent Gog and Magog, 'From all sides they come quickly.' (Al Anbiyaa`: 96) Then the forefront across the lake Tabari and drink then the back crosses, they said: 'That was no water here.'
God's prophet Isa and his companions were surrounded by buffalo head belonging to one of them is better than a hundred dinars belonging to any one of you today, and the prophet of Allah Jesus and his companions wanted God sent a worm around their necks and then they die like the death of the soul and 'Isa and his companions came, there was not one inch of any place but have been met by the carcasses and the stench of their blood.
Fight them, Allah will destroy them with (intercession) your hands and Allah will humiliate them and help you against them, and comforting those who believe.
[At-Tauba 9/14]
Then Jesus and his companions prayed to God and then God sent birds like the neck of a camel. The bird took them and threw them as the will of God, then God sends rain to them, there is no home of feathers or a house from the ground that prevents the rain, the rain soaked earth up and leave puddles everywhere. God bless fertility up to a group of people simply by camel milking, the tribe with enough cash cow and some relatives satisfied with goat milking.
As they like it, suddenly Allah sent a gentle breeze and take the lives of every person believers and Muslims under their armpits, and the remaining humans are bad, they are quiet sexual intercourse everyone like a donkey mating. Then upon them that the apocalypse happened. "