Successful indeed are the believers. (Namely) those who humble themselves in their prayers. And those who abstain from (deeds and words) are not useful. "
[Surah Al-Mu'minun: 1-3]
"Successful indeed are the believers, (that) those who are humble in their prayers, and those who abstain from (deeds and words) were not useful, and people who practice regular charity, and those abstain from sex. "
[Al-Mukminun: 1-5]
"And indeed We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein,
(Ie) when the two angels record the deeds, a seat on the right and the other on his left. No one else was saying the speech was nearby but ever-present guardian "
[QS. Qaf: 16-18]
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"A Muslim (good) is that the hands and their tongues do not hurt others"
[Narrated by Bukhari no. 10 and Muslim no. 40]
In a hadith al-Husayn ibn 'Ali said that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "Among the good of Islam a person is a sign of reduced talk of things that are not helpful"
[HR. Ahmad 1: 201. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that it was good with the syawahid (amplifier)]
Ibn 'Abbas said, "That note is that every word is good or bad. As well as the words "I eat, I drink, I go, I come, until I saw, everything is recorded. When Thursday, words and deeds will be brought before Allah "
[Tafsir Al Quran Al 'Azhim, 13: 187]
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or keep quiet,'
[Saheeh. Narrated by Muslim (no. 2664), from the Companions Abu Huraira Allaah anhu.]
"O Mu'adh! Hopefully your mother survived. Nothing makes a man slumped over his face in hell, but rather due to the results of their tongues "
[Saheeh. Narrated by Ahmad (V / 230, 236, 237, 245), at-Tirmidhi (no. 2616), an in-Nasa'i as-Sunanul-Kubra (no. 11330), 'Abdur-Razzaq al-Mushannaf (no . 20 303), Ibn Majah (no. 3973), Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Iman (no. 1, 2), al-Bayhaqi in al-Kubra Sunanul (IX / 20), ath-Thayalisi (no. 560), ath-Thabrani in al-Mu'jamul-Kabir (XX / 200, 291, 294, 304, 305), al-Hakim (II / 412-413), and Ibn Hibbaan (no. 214).]
Shall I tell you of the amplifier (falsifies) all these things? "
I answered, "Of course, O Messenger of Allah".
He held his tongue as he said, "Take care of this!".
Then I asked, "O Messenger of Allah, whether we will actually punished because everything we say?"
He said, "Woe to you, O Muadz, does not man be thrown into the fire with his face below them, but because of the sins of their oral-oral".
[Narrated by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and Al-Harith]
"If a servant doing a sin, then it will be achieved by a black dot in his heart. But if she left him and his istighfar will be cleared from the black dot. Conversely, if he continues to sin, black nodes will grow to cover his heart.
That wall coverings which Allah mentioned in paragraph (Nay, not so, in fact what they do is close their hearts) "(âq: 14)
[Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah and dihasankan by Shaykh al-Albanian]
'Umar bin' Abdul 'Aziz said, "Who's counting his word than in deed, certainly it will be a little discretion except in the case of a vote" Ibn Rajab said, "It is true he said. Most people do not count on the good word "
[Jaami'ul 'Ulum wal Hikam, 1: 291]
"Blessed are those who hold the edge of his tongue and spend".
[Narrated by Bayhaqi]
"Whoever many words, then multiply gone wrong. Whoever is much wrong, then many sins. And whoever many sins, then hell more important for him."
[Reported by Abu Nuaim in Hilyatul Saints']
I guarantee a house in heaven for those who avoid policy debates even though he was right, and I guarantee a house in the middle of paradise for those who avoid the lie even in jest, I guarantee a house in heaven for the summit, good "
[Narrated by Abu Dawood]
"I never dialogue with a person with a view I would love it if he believes one"
[Imam Shafi'i]
"Words are weak and can soften hard hearts and human"
"Every speech Bani Adam was endangering himself, but words such as commanding the good and forbidding the evil, and remembrance of Allah"
"Whoever reproduce words, it will be him. Who falls itself, it will be a lot of sins. Whoever many sins, the Fire place "
"Most who enter hell are two holes, namely the mouth and fardji (genital)"
"A little talk adalahs An immense wisdom. Therefore, be ye a lot of silence, because silence is a lot of peace of life and a factor that can ease the sin "
"Happy all the people who hold his tongue from speaking in extravagance and spend more"
"Silence is a wisdom and a few people who do it. Most of the sin of man is due to his tongue "
"Surely there are some words that are harder than stone, more bitter than a laxative, hotter than coal, and sharper than a puncture.
Indeed, the liver is the farm, then plant it in what he is good, because otherwise everything will undoubtedly grow growing majority "
"Whoever silent then he will secure"
"Human safety lies in keeping the tongue"
"Every place where there are proper words, and each word is the right place. Any work that is his reward, and every word is the answer "
"Watch your tongue to said of the disaster, for a disaster depends on speech"
[Philosphy Of Islami]
"Words that can penetrate what can not be penetrated by a needle."
"Slipping away it safer from slipping tongue".
"The best word is that little but provide clarity".
"Look at what is said and who is saying do not pay attention."
[Philosphy Of Islami]
"Before the shooting, the contents of first place arrows (Before speaking to our knowledge the first volume)" "Do not speak without knowledge (evidence)," "Be aware that your tongue will beat death itself around your neck"
"It is not someone hiding something, but God will show it by the look on his face and his mouth slippage"
[Uthman bin'Alfan]
"Accompanied by good deeds he will be able to remove it and pergauilah all men with good manners"
"It is not someone hiding something, but God will show it by the look on his face and his mouth slippage"
[Uthman bin'Alfan]
"Will you be happy in the house that does not praise you, greet people you meet and even if you leave the debate over truth"
From Abu Barzah Al Aslamy, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," O ye who believe with his tongue while faith has not yet entered into the heart,
do not you wag the Muslims and do not seek out their disgrace because who searched for his brother, Allah will disgrace searching disgrace him, and who is God looking for disgrace, He will open his ugliness even though he was hiding in his house . "
[Narrated by Abu Dawood, At Tirmidzy, Ahmad]
"Whoever does not abandon false belief and practice,
Allaah has no need of hunger and thirst that he stand it. "
[Narrated by Bukhari no. 1903]
Prophet Muhammad also said: "Surely someone who just spoke one sentence he considered it not invite the risk of all sorts. But actually it can also derail into hell for seventy years. "
[Narrated. Tirmidhi]
The Prophet Muhammad said: "Indeed, one was really saying a word to plunge into the hell that is greater than the distance between the east and west."
[Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim]
The Prophet Muhammad said: "The most hated Allah is the one who likes to fight hard again."
[Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim]
"The believer is not a person who likes to tarnish the honor, nor a person who likes to curse, say vile and cursed."
[Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Bukhari etc.]
"Depart from evil words because God does not love evil words and mocks the words of desolation."
[Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan, Ahmad and Bukhari in Adabul simplex)]
Imam Ibn Hibbaan berpetuah, "Reasonable people should be more use in the ears of his mouth.
He should realize that he has been given two ears and only one mouth is given; so he was more listening than talking.
Often one regret in the future as a result of the words that he spoke, while his silence he would never bring regret.
(Keep in mind anyway) that withdraw from the not yet spoken word is much easier than unplugging the words you have already spoken.
Because usually if someone was talking, then the sentence will overtake him, but if not speak, so he was able to control his words.
[Raudhah al-'Uqala Nuzhah wa al-Fudhala, p: 45, quoted from Rifqan Ahl as-Sunnah Ahl as-Sunnah bi response Tahdzir phenomenon and Hajr, Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-'abbad hafidzhahullah, p 31]
Jesus even as also once said: "Worship the ten parts, nine of whom are still partly existing in the human heart".
Human behavior is talkative and did not like silence. Besides if you want to draw closer to Allah sincerely and honestly,
Sure you will always hear his conversations, both in the market, houses, mosques and at any time to be alone.
Who knew he would see it. Who sleep ear and his heart will not listen to his inner eye will not see anything. Because, vice wrap hijab.
[Ibn Athallah]