Technical Selling Books Through The Post Box very profitable

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Number of books sold through the postal mail business by a small amount has been increasing every year. The number of sales each year within 5 years ago, shows an increase of 30 percent. A new way to use that have made a remarkable improvement from the previous. One way that used to offer a collection of many books is to use a mini catalog, by entering the catalog is in the order have been made by the customer.

Catalogs are usually mini-sized paper in A4 or 8.5 inches 11 times, which was then folded two or three ago entered into a cover letter containing the order books requested by the buyer. You can also be inserted in magazines or newspapers that are sold by marketers.

Or it can also be distributed to the subscribers continued through the post by making the ads first. All this is very beneficial to be implemented. Mini catalog you will also need to have 1, 2 or 3 pages. Posted on the first you just need to explain a little about the books that you offer, describe the feature and benefits can be obtained if the reading and buying books.

Posted on the second you can show a list of feature-and price-book value. Permanently posted on the next, letakan order form and ways to make the payment. Include your name and address of correspondence. Each feature list offered, should be accompanied with a short description so that readers can understand and benefit.

Mini catalog that should be made with spruce and in print using a form of writing and the size of interest, if able, with the included graphic images of interest. Better if each sheet is printed in color with a different. From one investigation that has been found in the first run, that the catalog is printed with the paper quality will be able to add your book sales.

These companies offer a large catalog that has been provided by their own. Those companies are as follows:

Premium Publisher of Fort Worth, Texas USA and WillshireBooks in N. Hollywood, California, USA or you can contact Icemall store at Http: / /
Write a letter to them or contact through the Internet and express your desire for them to become marketers.

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