Judah People " Babylonian Exile and Rebuilding Salomo Temple"

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http://ldolphin.org/Timesg.htmlKingdom of Judah (also known as the "Southern Kingdom") was established in year s. 930 BC after the breakup of United Kingdom of Israel. King David was appointed as the king of Israel during the 1007 BC, and the line of David passed through the kingdom of Judah for 420 years until the empire collapsed in 586 BC by the Babylonian Empire under Nebuzaradan, the leader of Nebuchadnezzar bodyguards.

Babylonian Exile, or Exile to Babylon is a name given to events & exiles the Jews from the ancient kingdom of Judah to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC. Disposal & which then returned to Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon was the important events in the history of the Jewish nation & religion and have a long-term impact on the development of culture & customs of modern Jewish nation.

ALLAH said: "And verily We have tested thy people after you leave, and they have been misled by Samiri

20. Thaahaa 85

Jewish diaspora

Jewish diaspora (Hebrew: Tefutzah, "scattered", or Galut גלות, "disposal") is the spread of Jews throughout the world. In general terms the diaspora deemed to have begun with the exile in Babylon in 597 BC, after a number of Middle Eastern Jewish communities formed at that time as a result of tolerant policies and later became centers of Torah life and Judaism are important during the next centuries.

The defeat of the Jews in the Great Jewish Revolt in 70 CE and the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 in the face of the Roman Empire is one important factor that led to the large number and residential areas in the diaspora, as many Jews were scattered after the loss of their country of Judea or sold in slavery throughout the empire.

The term is also used - in a spiritual sense - for the Jews that their ancestors changed religions with religions outside of Israel, even if those people can not be called a life in exile.

Therefore, we set (a law) for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a human being, not because the person (murder) of others, or for causing corruption in the earth, then as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever cares for the life of a human being, it is as if he had kept all of human life. And there came to them Our Messengers with (carrying) a clear proofs, and many of them seriously after that exceed the limits of mischief in the earth.

5. Al Maa'idah 32

Rebuilding the Temple (Jerusalem)

Biblical terms are used for the Temple is Beit Adonai or God's house. Because Jews were forbidden to mention the sacred name, in Hebrew, this place called Beit HaMikdash or Holy House. This place is worship only in Jerusalem, called by the name of the Holy House.

Solomon's Temple (Hebrew: בית המקדש, Beit HaMikdash), also referred to as the First Temple or Temple of Solomon, according to Scripture is the first temple in Jerusalem, the ancient Jewish religion.

This verse is used for worship and sacrifice called korbanot in ancient Jewish. This temple was completed in the 10th century BC and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem, has been completed during the year 516 BC to 70 AD, is the Second Temple.

After the kingdom of Judah was defeated by the Chaldean nation in 588 BC, and he brought a large number of residents to the valley of the River Euphrates, the Jews had two main gathering point : Babylon and the Land of Israel.

Although most Jews, especially the wealthy families, living in Babylon, their lives, under a barrage of government Achaemenid dynasty, Seleucid Empire, Parthians, and Sasani dynasty, bleak and meaningless politically. Elements of the poorest but the life of the people who live in exile returned to the Land of Israel in the reign of Achaemenid dynasty.

There, with the rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem as its center, this group rearranges itself into a community, which is characterized by a strong religious spirit and close ties with the Torah, which has since become the center of its identity. Soon a small group is getting bigger with the arrival of additional groups from different places, then awoke to a consciousness of itself, and they begin to struggle to establish political ties.

After various changes, particularly those caused by internal dissensions in the Seleucid dynasty on the one hand, and therefore support the Roma who have an interest in the other hand, the Jews finally won the struggle for independence. Under the princes Hasmonea which first was the high priest and then the king, the Jewish nation victorious and seized a number of areas.

However, shortly afterwards, there was dissension among the royal family. Coupled with the increasing dissatisfaction of the people are pious, the soul of the nation, toward rulers who no longer show true respect for the aspirations of his people, the Jewish state makes easy prey to the ambitions of Rome, successor Seleucid dynasty. In 63 BC, Pompey invaded Jerusalem, and Gabinius forced Jews to pay tribute.

And (remember) when your Lord tell you, that He would send to them (Jews) until the Day of Resurrection those who would inflict on them the punishment of the worst. Thy Lord is swift in punishment, and indeed He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

7. Al A'raaf 167

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