Extraterrestrial Perspective In AlQuran and Hadith " Third Part "

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DJin fears

Jinns and humans have different degrees. Humans higher rank than the genie. That's why in fact, the genie is very afraid of humans. But because jin managed to scare humans, the humans became afraid of the genie. As a Muslim we should not be scared of the jinn, but we did not menangtang genie, but if it's natural human jinn annoying humans to fight it,

"In fact they were nothing but scare the devil (you) with his friends (the polytheists of Quraish), so be not afraid of them, but fear Me, if you are really believers."

Surah Ali Imran 3:175 )

Mujahid said: "Satan was actually very scared by any one of you (humans). Therefore, if you find it, do not be afraid because if fear, he will ride you (disturbing), but harden (do rough), he will will go ".

Reported by Ibn Abi Dunya )

"Mujahid said:" Verily, Satan and disbelievers were frightened by you as you are scared by them ".

Reported by Ibn Abi Dunya )

"Imam Mujahid said:" One night while I was praying, suddenly appeared a creature of boys in front of me. Then I urged him to be arrested. But he got up and jumped into the back wall so I heard the fall. After that, he never come again "

Reported by Ibn Abi Dunya )

Laughing and crying DJin

In a hadith it is said that Satan will laugh when someone yawn with a sound example; "euuuay" or "haaaa". Hadith that the devil laugh is :

"Abu Huraira said, the Prophet SAW said:" Allah loves sneezing and hates yawning. If someone sneezes and then say thank God, then Muslims have to pray for him to hear it. The yawn coming from Satan, so resist as much as possible. If he continues to evaporate out the sound "haaa", then the devil will laugh "

Narrated by Bukhari and others )

While the devil will cry when someone read the letter and the as-Sajda Sajda verses when it comes to the verses of the 15th, he was carrying out prostration Sajdah. This is as stated in a hadith :

Rasulullah SAW said: "If the children of Adam read the letter as-Sajda Sajda then he bowed down (when reading the verse to verse sajdahnya-15), then the devil will go to cry, saying:" Oh woe and alas my fate "Bani Adam ruled prostration, then later then he bowed down to him syurga, while I was when I refused then ordered me to bow down to hell.

Narrated by Muslim )


DJin Kafara main enemy of Man 

The origins of human enmity with the devil started since Adam was created, even before Adam was created. It begins with hostility enmity between Satan the Devil ancestors with the ancestors of man, Prophet Adam. Satan was originally being a devout worship of God as an angel. But he has a temper arrogant and arrogance that will not bow down to Prophet Adam. With the arrogant unwillingness of prostration that Satan said : 

He said :" I am better than (Adam), You created me from fire while You created him from the ground "

Surat al-Araf 7:12 )

Arrogance that causes God cast Satan out of heaven and cursed and hated it until doomsday future. However, before it was expelled, the devil asked for a petition to God to be allowed to live forever until Judgement Day comes, and God had granted it. Therefore, the devil is still alive and will not die before the Resurrection occurred. It is as revealed by God :

"He said:" Suspend me until the time they were raised. "He said:" Thou including those reprieved "

Surat al-A'raf: 14-15 )

The suspension is intended to be the devil's death he freely within interrupt and plunge the human from the right path. In the Qur'an it is said, that the devil will always interfere and plunged the people of the various lines, starting from the front, rear, right side, left and so on. This means that, whenever and wherever, the devil and Satan will continue to look for loopholes to be seductive and misleading people. This is as set forth in the Word of God :

"He said:" Because thou hast punished me astray, I am really going to (hinder) them from the road you are straight, then I'll come at them from the front and from behind them, from the right and left of them. And thou wilt not find most of them thankful (obedient) " 

Surat al-Araf 7:16-17 )

While the target of hostility disbelieving jinn (devil) there are two long-term targets and short-term targets. The long-term target is to plunge the people into the fires of hell, this is as revealed by God in the (letter Fatir: 6) Verily Satan is an enemy to you, then treat him as an enemy (you), because the real demons invite only faction that they may be residents of a burning hell.

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