The essence of Islam [as weakness faith]

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- Tawhid (Munday).

Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.

[Al Anbiyaa' 21/92]

And indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me."

[Al Mu'minuun 23/52]

And he made it a word remaining among his descendants that they might return [to it].

[Az Zukhruf 43/28]

It has been said in the Quran, that it is a religion of divine religions that worship only one God alone is GOD, Lord of the Worlds, then no one worthy of worship besides GOD.

So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah . That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.

[Ar Ruum 30/30]

Or have they taken gods besides Him? Say, [O Muhammad], "Produce your proof. This [Qur'an] is the message for those with me and the message of those before me." But most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away.

[Al Anbiyaa' 21/24]

Had preached to us from Ibn Ishak Ibrahim ibn Al Mubarak Al 'Auza'i he said: "The devil said to his followers, from any side you come (teasing) man ?, they reply:' from all directions', he asks again : 'Are you going to come (tease) them from the direction of forgiveness?', they replied: 'is not possible, because it is associated with monotheism, he said:' I will distribute them to something they do not beristighfar to God. he (Al 'Auza'i) said: "Then the devil spread (the desire to follow) desires to them' '.

 [Sunan Al-Darimi 310]

Then most people earlier and now are the ones who always turn away from the books of GOD, and they all are at odds with the books revealed to them. Due to the lack of knowledge of that people do not know their rights in the world. Even those not know GOD rights against them, and so did against fellow human beings, they know not what is already a provision for GOD beings who are in the earth and sky. Moreover, they not know the rights of slaves GOD, and therefore they are always arguing and disputing.

When those who disbelieved had put into their hearts chauvinism - the chauvinism of the time of ignorance. But Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger and upon the believers and imposed upon them the word of righteousness, and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.

[Al Fath 48/26]

In the absence of servitude themselves to GOD that they are already required and commanded to bow down and worship, then they too are also people who are losers and their hearts are filled with pride because of the refusal. As written in the following hadith:

 Qutaibah tell us, tell us Layth Ibn Ajlan. and Al Qa'qa 'bin Hakim, from Abu Salih, from Abu Hurayrah, from the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "Verily, when a servant does something wrong, then his heart will be dotted with black dots. When he left (sin the) asked forgiveness and repent, then the heart will be cleaned.

 (But) when he returns (do sin is), then it would be a plus point in his heart, to the point that filled his heart. That cover Allah mentioned (in his words), 'Absolutely not (so), actually what they always try it shut their hearts'. "

 [Saheeh Sunan Tirmdizi No.3334]

- Friday prayers (prayers once a week).

Ali bin Hujr tells us, Isma'il ibn Ja'far told us of Al Ala "bin Abdurrahman, from his father, from Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said," Prayer five (times) and the Friday prayer until to next Friday prayer is a sin between these times, for not doing major sins. "

[Saheeh: Ta'liqur-Raghib (1/137)]

- Friendship, congregation.

And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].

[Al Baqarah 2/43]

Also very important prayers for unity and unity, where they are taught how to make a row of neatly arranged, each keeping the brothers right and left, between the shoulders, and ankles, held its speed devils that are easily break through calves. In addition, these prayers can strengthen the friendship and with it has been stretched by GOD rope from heaven to earth. As said in the following hadith:

From Abu Darda 'RA, he said, "I've heard Rasululllah Muhammad SAW said,' There's nothing in a village or valley with a population of three (or more), which are not held prayers, but Satan has control of them. Therefore, keep you in congregation, because only isolated from the herd goats alone can ambushed by wolves. '"Saib said," the purpose of the congregation is praying in congregation. "

[Sunan Abu Daud 547]

From Abdullah bin Mas'ud RA, he said, "Keep well this five prayers when the call to prayer echoed, as the five prayers of pilgrims were among some of the instructions. The real God has been showing streets instructions to His Prophet. It is our right -benar remember, that nobody who leave the prayer in congregation, except for the obvious hypocrisy hypocrites.

 Indeed we remember, that person is guided between two people on either side, until he diberdirikan in prayer rows. No one among you, except having the mosque (place of prayer) in his house. If you do your prayers in your house, then left the mosques you, it means you have left-sunna sunnah of your Prophet, and if it has left the Sunnah of your Prophet, surely you are an infidel.

 [Abu Daud N0.550]

 So after the prayers, after the completion time of prayer can be used such as the time period for conversation, before separating and departed to their homes.

Ibn Abi Umar told us, Sufyan told us, Bashir Abu Isma'il and Fitr ibn Khalifah told us, from Mujahid, from 'Abdullah ibn' Amr that the Prophet SAW said, "People who connect (rope friendship) is not the one who reply (relative merit), but the person who connects (rope friendship) is a person who, when relationships are severed, then he dial ".

 [Sunan Tirmdizi No.1908]

- Polytheists, wicked, zindiq the pious charity.

 Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam; "If a young man worship the devil said, 'look at where their food source, if it turns out the source of the food is haram then let him pray and do not bother to tease him because he had to lighten the task of guys (friends devil / Satan). "

 [HR.Imam Al Bayhaqi in his book Al Iman Syu'ab]

 From Anas, the Prophet Muhammad said: 'There will be an end-time worship ignorant experts and scholars wicked'.

 [Hadith History Ibn Adi]

 Instead Anas r.a. he said THAT Prophet Muhammad said: "Later, at the end of time, there will be an expert worship foolish and wicked reciters"

 [Hadith History Ibn Adi]

 - Sure, the intention.

Ali ibn Nasr ibn Ali tells us (Imam Tirmidhi), Muhammad ibn Abbad al Hana'i tell us, 'Ali ibn al Mubarak tells us, from the US Ayyub Sikhtiyani, of Khalid bin Duraik from Ibn' Umar that the Prophet SAW said, "anyone who studied because besides God or wants to science than God, then let him prepare his seat in hell. "

[Diriwaytkan by Tirmidhi in Sunannya, the book of science (Beirut: Dar al Fikri, 1994 M / 1414 H) Volume 4, page 298.]

Friends of Abi Hurairah said that the Prophet Muhammad has said: "Verily Allah does not look at the (judge) body shape and elegance of your face, but God saw (assess) the sincerity of your heart."

[HR. Bukhari and Muslim]

"Indeed, every practice is just hanging by intention-intention and every person will only get what he intend, then whoever the migration to Allah and His Messenger, the emigration to God and His Apostle, and whoever's emigration because he wants to achieve or for women who want to he married then emigration to what he emigrated to him ".

[Hadith Muslim History Bukhary of 'Umar ibn Khoththob something from' anhu]

Of Haritha bin Wahb, he said, "The Prophet Muhammad said, 'Would you tell me about the people of Paradise? (Ie) of each of the weak and oppressed. Will you tell me about the inhabitants of hell? (Ie) each person who applies hard and rude and arrogant. "

[Saheeh: takhrij Musykilah Al Faqr (125). Muttafaq 'Alaih.]

Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas of RA. he said, "I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, who is the most severe trials?' He replied, 'The Prophets, then the next is more important, and so on. A servant will be tested according to the levels of the religion (faith) it. If faith is strong, it will be increasingly severe trials, whereas if his faith is weak, then it will be tested in accordance levels of faith. it is not a trial that will go from a slave until he let it (the trial) walked the earth, while he (the servant) does not have sin '. "

[Hasan Saheeh: Al Misykah (1562), Ash-Shahihah (143).]

Jabir RA, he said, "When people who emigrate across the ocean back to the Prophet Muhammad, he also said, 'Would you tell me about something awesome from what you have seen in Habasyah?' A group of them replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah. When we were sitting came along an old woman of their nuns who brought a jug of water over his head. Then it passes through a young woman of his people, to the young man put one hand on the woman's shoulder, and the young man was pushing it down and broke her pitcher.

When she stood up, she looked at the young man, saying, "One day you shall know, O traitor! When God put his seat and gathering those who passed and the end of time. When the arms and legs speaks of what he has done. So then you will know how my problems with you hand him '. "Jabir said, "The Prophet Muhammad said, 'She was right, she was right. How God will bless a people where the weak are not defended by a strong'?"

[Hasan: Mukhtasar Al 'Uluw (46/59).]

Umm Hani 'he said, "I visited the Prophet Muhammad and asked,' O Messenger of Allah. Tell me about a practice, because the real old I had aged, and I have also been weak and my body fat. 'He replied, 'read Takbir Allah (read, "Allahu Akbar") a hundred times, read tahmid to God (read, "Al Hamdulillah") a hundred times, and read the rosary to God (read, "Subhan Allah") a hundred times. Then all of it is better than a hundred horses and saddled the bridle roped in donation to fight in the cause of Allah. and better than a hundred camels are obese. and better than freeing a hundred slaves'. "

[Hasan: Ash-Shahihah (1316).]

From Abu Sa'id, he said, "our Prophet Muhammad mengimami Maghrib prayer, then he would not leave the house so that the passage of mid-night; then he came out and their leading prayers, as he said, 'Surely those who have been praying and sleeping, and actually you always exist in a state of prayer as long as you keep waiting for him. and if it were not for the sick and weak, then I prefer (commanded to) end a prayer until mid-night. '"

[Saheeh: Saheeh Abu Dawood (448), Ats-Tsamr.]

From Abdullah bin Amr, he said, There is no provision of the spoils of war after the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims are strong must return to the weak ones. King 'said, I heard Sulaiman ibn Musa said to him, "Makhul told me of Habib bin Maslamah," Verily the Prophet Muhammad in the beginning gives a quarter possessions and at the close of the third.' Amr said, '' I'm talking to you from my father, my grandfather and you speak to me of Makhul ?! "

[Sahih: Sahih Abu Daud (2455 and 2456) '.]

From Abu Hurairah RA. until the news to him, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "The strong believer is better and is preferred by Allah than the weak believer. And in each (the properties) are good. So indeed it mean you towards something useful, and do not feel weak. If a case beat you, then say, 'Conditions (Qadr) of Allah (has determined), and what God wants, He will do it.' And take away the words, "I wish." Because the words, "I wish," open (opportunities) work of satan. "

[Saheeh: Dzilal Al-Jannah (356). Muslim.]

Actually Human Itself

Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant.

[Al Ahzab 33/72]

Man was created of haste. I will show you My signs, so do not impatiently urge Me.

[Al Anbiyaa' 21/37]

And man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good, and man is ever hasty.

[Al Israa' 17/11]

Have you not seen those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and injustice is not done to them, [even] as much as a thread [inside a date seed].

[An Nisaa' 4/49]

But they will never wish for it, ever, because of what their hands have put forth. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.

[Al Baqarah 2/95]

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