The Light of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

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Ali ibn al-Husayn than his father than his grandfather said that Rasullullah Muhammad said: "I am the light before the Lord for fourteen thousand years before He made Adam

[Hadith history-Imam Ahmad, Dhahabi and al-Tabarani]

"I've put in the ground to Adam and was promised to my father Abraham and the good news to Isa ibn Maryam"

[Hadith Reported by Ahmad, Bayhaqi]

Ibn Jubayr and Ka'b al-Ahbar said: "What is the purpose for which the second light is Rasullullah Muhammad because the king is a messenger and transmitter of Allah against what illuminates and terdzahir." Ka'b said: "The oil will shine glittery shine because Rasullullah Muhammad will be known to those crowded even if the king is not admitting that the king was a prophet, just as oil was shining shimmering even without ignited.
"In fact, before your Lord created the other, he creates from his Light is your Prophet Light."
In another Hadith, narrated from Abdurrazaq received from Jabir ra ra, that Jabir once asked the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, tell me, what is the first once God made?".

Prophet Muhammad said:

"Allah created before there was anything is Light of your Prophet Light from His."

Light Muhammad had been there before for everything in this universe. Light Muhammad was awarded seven seas: Marine Sciences, Latif Sea, the Sea of Thought, Patience Sea, Sea Sense, Rahman Sea and the Sea of Light.

He then divide it into four parts Light From the first part He created the Pen. of the second part lawhal-Mahfudz, from the third the Throne ".

Now it is known that when God created lawhal-Mahfudz and Pen.
In the pen that contained a hundred knot, the distance between the two vertices are as far as two years of travel. God then commanded the Pen to write, and the Pen asked, "God, what should I write?"

God said, "Write: la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadan Rasulullah".

On the Pen exclaimed, "Oh, what a beautiful name, the great Muhammad that he called together Asthma Thy Holy, O God".

God then said, "O Pen, keep your manners! This name is the name Love Me, from its Light I created the 'Throne and the Pen and lawhal-Mahfudz; you, too, are created from its Light. If not for him, I will not create any" ,

When Allah has said the sentence, Pen was split in two because of fear of God, and the place where the words had come out to be closed / blocked, so that to this day ends remains split in two and clogged, so he did not write, as a sign of the great Divine secret.

Then God commanded the Pen to write "What shall I write, O God?" Pen asked. Then Rabb al Alamin said, "Write down all that will happen until the Day of Judgment!".

Pen said, "God, what should I start?". He will say, "You have to start with these words: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim."

With respect and fear were perfect, then Pen preparing to write the words in the Book (al-Mahfudz lawh), and he completed writing it in 700 years.

When the Pen had written those words, Allah says "Has takes 700 years for you to write three of My Name; Name Greatness Me, Love Me and Empathy me. Three words are full of blessings I created as a gift for the community Love Me Muhammad. With Greatness me, I promise that when the servant of any of this nation pronounces the word Bismillah with a pure intention, I will write 700 years of countless reward for the man before, and 700 years of sin will I erase. "

"Now the (next), this part of the fourth of Light that I have again divided into four parts: From the first I created the Throne Angels Buffer (hamalat al-'Arsy); From the second I have created Kursi, the Divine court (the upper Heaven supporting the Divine Throne, Throne); From the third I created all the angels (creatures) other sky. "

"Then the fourth part I have again divided into four sections: the first section I made all the sky, from the two I made the earths, from the third part I made the jinn and fire."

"The fourth part I have again divided into four sections: the first section I made the light upon the faces of the believers; of the second part I made the light in their hearts, imbuing them with divine knowledge; of the third part of the tongue of light for those who are light Tawhid (Hu Allahu Ahad), and from the fourth part I made the light of the soul of Muhammad ".

Beautiful soul was created 360,000 years before the creation of this world, and it is formed so (most) beautiful and made of materials that are incomparably head was made of the instructions, the neck is made of humility. Her eyes of simplicity and honesty, forehead of proximity (to Allah). Her mouth of patience, of the seriousness of his tongue, cheeks of love and prudence, belly of penance to food and things of the earth, feet and knees from following the path of the straight and noble heart filled with Rahman.

This glorious spirit taught by grace and is equipped with all the power of the beautiful manners. He was given his prophetic treatise and quality fitted. Then the Crown of Divine Proximity attached to his head full of blessing, famous and high above all others, is decorated with Rida Divine and named Habibullah (Beloved of God) were pure and holy.

Then God created a tree called Syajaratul Yaqin. Stems amounts to four. Then diletakanlah Light Muhammad on the tree. However, the presence of Light Muhammad, it makes a great quiver tree until it turns into a white gem. While Light Muhammad praise hymn to Allah Ta'ala 70,000 years. At the gem, Light Muhammad tried to reflect. His face was so beautiful views. Shaped like a peacock, and his clothes were so beautiful. Decorated with different jewelry. Then he prostrated himself five times.

Allah saw, make the Light felt ashamed and afraid. Then the sweat from his head. The sweat of the life God created angels. From the sweat of his face, were created lives Throne, sun, moon, stars, and anything that is in heaven. Sweat chest be material to create the life of the apostles, prophets, saints, scholars and pious people. The perspiration from his forehead, was created lives of the believers of the people of Prophet Muhammad. Of both ears sweat, created by Allah lives of Jews, Christians, and unbelievers, and misguided. While sweat feet of them into the content of the earth.

At the next time God created agate red lanterns that light penetrates into and exit. Then Light Muhammad incorporated into the lantern. Being in it in a standing position. While the lives that have been created are outside.

Entirely reads "Subhanallaahi wal hamdulillaahi wa laa ilaha illallaahu wallahu akbar". 1,000 years the lives that Allah Almighty commanded to look to themselves Light Muhammad.

Who managed to see the lives of Light Muhammad's head, then he will be given a lifeline became the leader / ruler.

Who saw top of his head, that they would become a teacher / educator honest.

Anyone who saw his eyes, he would be hafidz (Reminder Quran).
Those who saw her ears will be those who receive warnings and advice.

As you can see his nose, they will become experts talk or doctor.

While they are the lives that successfully saw lip Light Muhammad, he will be destined to become a minister.

Lives have seen the teeth it will soon face a pretty good-looking.
he could see his tongue, will be the messenger / envoy kings.
When seen neck, given a lifeline into the trade and business.

If the nape as he could see, would be a soldier.
Those who managed to see both his arms, then it will become an officer. If his right elbow is seen, Allah will make him have a job in the textile world, whereas if his left elbow, he will be the one who never killed. As well, if the chest successful visits, then he will become a respected cleric. When the back, he will be given a lifeline into social experts. And if only the shadow of successful visits, then he will be the one involved in the arts.

Anyone who has seen his throat full of blessing would be preacher and mu'adzin (azan).

Whoever looked at his beard would be a fighter in the way of Allah.
Whoever looked at his upper arm will be an archer or a driver ships.

Anyone who saw his right hand will be a leader, and who saw his left hand would be a divider (master scales and measuring a necessity of life).

Anyone who saw his hands become an avid give; who see the back of his hand will be a collector.

Who saw the inside of his right hand to be a painter.

Who saw the fingertips of his right hand will be a calligrapher, and who saw the fingertips of his left hand would be a blacksmith.

Anyone who saw her chest full of blessing will be an educated leave the mundane (ascetic) and knowledgeable.

Anyone who saw his back would be a humble and obedient to the laws of Shari'ah. Anyone who saw his side full of blessing would be a warrior.

Who saw the belly will be satisfied, and who saw his right knee will be those who carry out the bow and prostrate.

Anyone who saw her legs were full of blessing will become a hunter, and who saw the soles of her feet into those who like to travel.

Anyone who saw his shadow will form a singer and saz (lute).

Everything looked but did not see anything at all would be the unbelievers, fire worshipers and idol worship. Those who do not look at all will be those who will claim that he is a god, like Nimrod, Pharaoh, and the like.

Now the souls of all arranged in four rows. In the first row stood the souls of the prophets and apostles, as, in the second row are placed the souls of the saints, the friends, in the third row stood the souls of the faithful, men and women. In the fourth row stood the souls of the unbelievers.

All these souls remain in the world of spirits in the Presence of God until the time they arrive to be sent to the physical world. Nobody knows except God knows how an interval of time of the creation of the spirit of the blessed Prophet Muhammad until the revelation of him from the spirit world to the physical form.

Narrated that the Prophet Muhammad, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Light asked the angel Gabriel, "How long since you were made?" The angel replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I do not know the number of years, I know that every year 70,000 resplendent light beam panned out from behind the dome of the Divine Throne: since the time I created this light appears 12,000 times."

"Do you know if that light?" asked the Prophet Muhammad

"No, I do not know," said the angel.

"It is my soul in the world of spirits Light, Light replied the Holy Prophet Muhammad".

Consider then, how much, if 70,000 multiplied by 12,000!

"With these strong arguments, there is no prohibition for a person to have the nature of Prophet Muhammad with a light for God himself gave such properties. By him, we should not deny the physical light of Prophet Muhammad That is because it does not violate the essence of the nature of creation as aqidah and humans. Is not the nature of the solid months? Nevertheless, it has the properties as luminous objects, and meanwhile, the noble Prophet Muhammad more than a month, even more precious than all creation. Shari'a prohibited deny humanness of the Prophet who had been confirmed by the verses of the Koran, such as [Quran Surah. Al-Kahf 18: 110] "

[al-Bayan al-Qawîm li tashih Ba'dhil Mafaheem, Dar as-Sundus, Cairo, p. 9]

Physically friends (who are all given by God) have the nature of Prophet Muhammad's face like the sun and the full moon that emits light. In another narration the Prophet Muhammad when entering the city of Medina reported illuminate corners of the city and in the city of Medina when the deceased was again silent in the darkness. On the other hand, at the time of the Prophet Muhammad in the womb, her mother saw the light that illuminates the palaces Bashra in Sham.

[Quran Surah Al-Ahzab 33 : 45-46]

"And if you put the universe just like the magnificent castle towering filled with tents exhibiting sheen power ruler azali, the magic creations of his depicting the majesty of his substance, beauty rules His neat sow charm not measurable, and carvings wonders of creation His creation, you can clearly see the light of Prophet Muhammad as witnesses and the audience first saw the sheen, the magic and beauty of divinity for himself, then cried out to mankind: "O people , let's visit the sights of this amazing, and made haste meet the physical and spiritual needs of you who want love, purity, goodness, tafakkur, enlightenment, and other needs that are not unlimited. "He saw and showed people what he saw , listening and making them participate listened, amazed and make them participate in amazement, loving ruler azali and instill a love of Him in their hearts, asking for the light of His shining on the streets of their lives, ask for an abundance of His mercy that overshadowed them . "

[Ustad Said Nursi, al-Mathnawi al-Arabi, p. 219]

"Indeed, the light of Prophet Muhammad natural conditions changed, human nature and the universe became ablaze. Similarly with the light visible objects in the universe such as posts that refract the names of Allah, or like the officers who carry out special missions, or valuables that carve the meaning and value worthy of eternal survival. Had it not light the universe is always shackled by dark fantasies, underestimated, has no meaning and benefits, even the vain and found just by chance. With this secret all living entities in the heavens and on earth shows the dependence and the need to light a meaningful Prophet Muhammad "

[al-sentence, p. 75]

"Transmission-over narration can be combined with ta'wil that restrict early kalam creation after creation Light Muhammad, water, and Throne. There is also a look at the beginning of the creation of their views of their own kind, that is to say: first created light is the light of Muhammad, as well as beyond. "

[Op. Cit, vol. 1, p. 267]

It was one of implicit understanding of the hadith which states that God has 70,000 light veil. If the casing is exposed entirely, then burned the world. Also the Prophet said, "I am Ahmad without the meme" [ie Sunday]. Mim is the epitome of contradictions, a barzakh which separates between God and nature. Because the numerical value of the letter mim is 40, there are 40 partially interpret Sufi maqam that must be traversed to get to the Lord, or 40 days seclusion.

[Book "al-Wafaa bi ahwaalil Musthofa SAW" (Ibn al-Maqdisy Qudamah 509 H)]

"Know! Indeed if you look at the universe is a big book, you'll see Light Muhammad ink pen writer. "


Narrated to us by 'Ali bin Hamad al'adl in plan (dictation), Harun bin' Abbas al-Hashimi narrated to us, Jundul bin Waliq narrated to us, (so on up to the al 'Abbas ra) that the King said: God revealed to 'Isa alaihis-salam, O' Isa, peace with thee to Muhammad and dispatch sesiapa getting the king from among your people so faithful to him, If it were not because Muhammad I did not make Adam, If it were not because Muhammad did not I make Adam, If it were not because Muhammad I do not make Heaven and Hell, I make 'Arshy on the water, then he began to shake, then written it' la ilaha illa'llah Muhammadun Prophet, so she began to calm. (This hadith is valid (al-Hakim) are not issued by Bukhari and Muslim).

[al-Mustadrak al-Hakim II.614-615]

God does not make the most creatures loved by Him even more than this people; and there is nothing more noble longer than the prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam; then the prophets after thereof, then siddiqin, then the aulia selected. And (associated with) so that Allah makes Light Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam before than made Adam for two thousand years, made him in the form of a pole in front 'His Throne he glorify God and give a lifeline; then He made Adam 'alaihis-salam, than Light Muhammad and made it Light prophets 'alaihimus-salatu respectfully than Light Adam' alaihis-salam, exhausted.

[Kitab al-Madkhal by ibn al-Hajj, is written by al-Imam 'Abd al-Rahman al-Siqilli rahimahu'Llahu ta'ala in the book' al-dalalat, al-Madkhal ibn al-Hajj.II.28]

"The first Light situation is compared to other creatures, as in the hadith of Jabir, he asked the Prophet Muhammad first creature created by God, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said; Allah has created, prior to the existence of something, Light prophet, then made Light was circulated by the power of His Essence according to the will of God. And yet at that time luh, Pen, heaven, hell, angels, humans, jinn, earth, sky, sun and moon.

[Shaykh an-Nawawi al-Bantany, Madarij al-Su'ud, Syirkah al-Maarif, Bandung, Hal. 4]

"It has come to the book of God and the real Light") great Light ('azim), he sekelian light for the light (Light al-anwar), the prophet chosen Prophet Muhammad

[Tafsir Ruh al-Ma'ani essay al-Alusi, vol III, hal.369]

Jabir ibn `Abd Allah r.a. told Rasullullah Muhammad: "O Allah's Apostle, let both parents my fall victim to your, gave news of things that are God's first made before all things." Sire said: "O Jabir, the case the first one that God made was light Your Messenger His rather than light, and the light was still as it was in His power for His Will, and not what, at that time

[Hadits : al-Tilimsani, Qastallani, Zarqani, `Abd al-Haqq al-Dihlawi mengatkan that this Hadith Sahih.]

Ali ibn al-Husayn than his father than his grandfather said that Rasullullah Muhammad said: "I am the light before the Lord for fourteen thousand years before He made Adam

[Hadits Imam-Ahmad, Dhahabi and al-Tabarani]

If not for you, if it were not for you, O Muhammad, I would never have created the heavens are high and trust my Sovereignty


In a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad said, Ana min nurullaahi, wa khalaq kuluhum nuuri min. "I come from the light of God, and the whole world comes from my light."

[Hadith Ibn Taymiyyah]

from Ibn Abbas stated, "Surely there is a Quraishi, who was still tangible nur (light), in the presence of Allah, the Mighty, the great, two thousand years before the creation of Prophet Adam. Light was always glorify God ... "

[Hadith Ibn Taymiyyah]

If there is no you, my stars are not created

[As-Silsilah adh-Dha'îfah hadith no. 282]

I became a prophet, was Adam, water and soil has been no

[As-Silsilah adh-Dha'îfah hadith no. 303]

Indeed he (Muhammad) had been a light to those around the Throne. Then he said, "O Gabriel, I used is light"

[As-Silsilah adh-Dha'îfah hadith no. 1/474]

"And if you put the universe just like the magnificent castle towering filled with tents exhibiting sheen power ruler azali, the magic creations of his depicting the majesty of his substance, beauty rules His neat sow charm not measurable, and carvings wonders of creation His creation, you can clearly see the light of Prophet Muhammad as witnesses and the audience first saw the sheen, the magic and beauty of divinity for himself, then cried out to mankind : "O people , let's visit the sights of this amazing, and made haste meet the physical and spiritual needs of you who want love, purity, kindness, silence, enlightenment, and other needs that are not unlimited. "He saw and showed people what he see, listen and make them participate listened, amazed and make them participate in amazement, loving ruler azali and instill a love of Him in their hearts, asking for the light of His shining on the streets of their lives, ask for an abundance of His mercy that houses they."

[Ustad Said Nursi, al-Mathnawi al-Arabi, p. 219]

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad ) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.

[The Confederates 33/21]

Allah sends His Salat (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy, etc.) on the Prophet (Muhammad ) and also His angels too (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salat on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad ), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salamu 'Alaikum).

[The Confederates 33/56]

And (remember) the Day when We shall raise up from every nation a witness against them from amongst themselves. And We shall bring you (O Muhammad ) as a witness against these. And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an) as an exposition of everything, a guidance, a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims).

[The Bees 16/89]

And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) not but as a mercy for the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

[The Prophets 21/107]

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