Rebuilding The Third Temple " Controversy "

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Muslim Note

Baitullah / Bayt 'ul-lah means House of God in Islam is the designation for the Kaaba is located in the Grand Mosque, while the mosque that much / Masjid Al-Aqsa is the name for the whole complex area of ​​the holy site of Al-Haram ash-Sharif in the early period Muslims (not just the physical building mosques built later by the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan). Upon entering Jerusalem, Caliph Omar ibn Khattab, who first discovered the location of the Mosque of David (with the assistance of the bishop of Palestine) according to the properties of the Prophet Muhammad described him. Abdul Malik ibn Marwan also built the Dome of the Rock-Shakhrah overshadow Ash (rock which lies on top of the Mount Moriah) is supposed to have a foothold when the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad and said to the direction of Qibla prayer if it is in the area of ​​Al-Haram ash -Sharif (the period of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca). Each mosque is the House of God (Bayt Allah), so that the mosque is usually called by the names of God such as Baitur-Rahman (The Most Merciful House], Baitus-Salam (House of the Supreme Reconciler}, and so on.

Travel Israa '

Al-Qur'an in Surah Al-Israa ': 1-8, recounted the events Israa' and previous history. Beginning of this sura is a sign to the Muslims as a people that would be great, and it was the Muslims is a small and weak groups.
  1. Glory to God, who has given his servant the street late one night from Al-Haram to Al-Aqsa Mosque which we have blessed around it so that We might show him some of the signs (greatness) We. Verily He is the Hearer, the Knower.
  2. And We gave Moses the Book (Torah) and We made it a guide book of the law for the Children of Israel (with words) : "Do not take recourse other than I,
  3. (Ie) are sprung from those whom We carried with Noah. Indeed he was a servant (of Allah) are most grateful.
  4. And We set against the Children of Israel in the Book : "Verily, ye will do mischief in the earth twice and would have boasted great pride".
  5. So when it comes it comes the time for (crime), the first of the two (evil), We bring to you Our servants who have enormous power, then they are rampant in the villages, and that provisions must be implemented.
  6. Then We gave the turn to beat them back We helped you with wealth and children and made you great. If you do good (means) you do good for yourself, and if you do evil, then the (evil) is for yourselves, and
  7. when comes the time for (crime) second, (We were to bring others) to tarnish your faces, and their entry into the mosque, as your enemies entered the first time and to destroy to the utmost what they control .
  8. Hopefully the Lord will bestow grace (His) thee : and if ye repeat (the crime), We shall return (to your doom), and Jahannam We have made Hell a prison for people who do not believe.

Ka'bah is the first house of worship

Listed in the Qur'an, sura to-3 which states:
Indeed the first house built for the worship of mankind is the House that in Bakkah (Mecca) blessed and guidance for all mankind. (Sura Ali 'Imran: 96-97)

Ibrahim's prayer to God

"Our Lord, indeed I have put some of my offspring in a valley that has no plants, near the House You (Baitullah) are respected. Our Lord, so that they establish the prayer, then make the hearts of some people tend to them and give them sustenance is from fruits, hopefully they give thanks "(Sura 14:37)

Prophet Ibrahim an Imam for the entire Human

And remember when his Lord tested Abraham with a few sentences and don'ts and Abraham fulfilled. He said: "Behold, I will make you a priest for the whole human being". He said: "And I beg you also from my offspring". He said: "Promise Me (this) is not about people who do wrong. And (remember) when We made ​​the House (Baitullah) a gathering place for people and a safe place. And make some Maqom Ibrahim place of prayer "and We commanded to Ismail:" Purify My house for those who circumambulate, which I'tikaf, the bowing and the prostration ". (Sura 2:124-125)

prayer ibrahim

"And remember when Abraham raised (nurture) foundations of the House with Ismail as he prayed: Our Lord, accept our deeds than we, indeed Thou art the Hearer, the Knower. Our Lord, make us both submissive to people and show you is to us the ways and places of our pilgrimage, and accept our repentance. Verily Thou art the Most Receiving Repentance, the Most Merciful. Our Lord was sent to them an Apostle from among themselves who will recite their verses to thee and teach them the Book (the Qur'an) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah) and purify them. Verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. "(Sura 2: 127-129)

Religion of the Prophet Muhammad, is the religion of Prophet Ibrahim

"Those closest to Abraham are those who follow him and this Prophet (Muhammad SAW) as well as people who believe in Muhammad. And Allah is the protector of all believers (Surah 3: 68)

Archaeological evidence

Archaeological excavations have found 100 mikvaoth (where the baptism ritual) around the area known as the Temple Mount or Al-Haram ash-Sharif. This is strong evidence that this region is considered as a very sacred place in ancient times and could not possibly serve as a secular region. However, this does not indicate the precise area where the Temple once stood.

Modern Controversies about the location of the Temple site

In 1999 Dr. Ernest L. Martin published a controversial book called The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot (Forgotten Temple of Jerusalem) based on the idea of Ory Mazar, son of Professor Benjamin Mazar of Hebrew University. In 1995 Dr. Martin wrote a draft report to support this theory. He writes: "At that time I believe that Simon the Hasmonean (along with Herod a century later) moved the Temple from the Ophel mound to the Dome of the Rock."

However, after studying the words of Josephus concerning Herod's Temple, which was reported to be in the same place denagn Scripture verses earlier, he then read the report last troops of Eleazar who led the Jewish resistance against the Romans at Masada which stated that the Roman fort is the only building remaining in the year 73 CE "Given this, I came to the conclusion in 1997 that all the Temple is located on the Ophel mound over the area of ​​the Gihon Spring." This theory implied that Judaism was being fought to preserve the wrong location, which in turn sparked a reaction from the Muslim side.

The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot by Dr.Martin became increasingly controversial given the fact that he had previously been involved for five years in the excavations near the Western Wall in a joint project between Hebrew University and Ambassador College, publisher of The Plain Truth magazine edited by Herbert W. Armstrong.

recent controversy

On December 27, 2004, reported in The Globe and Mail of Toronto that the issue of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem found that the ivory pomegranate believed to have adorned the rod used by the high priest in the Temple of Solomon in fact false. These artifacts are the most important object of biblical times in the collection. He was part of a traveling exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in 2003. Experts fear that this discovery is part of an international fraud involving ancient objects. The report illustrates that the pomegranate of your thumb, which was only 44 mm high, which is described inscribed ancient Hebrew letters that read "Donations sacred to the priests in the House of YHWH." Some archaeologists argue that the artifact is actually derived from the Late Bronze Age. But there are also opinions that say that Solomon and his temple actually came from the Late Bronze Age, which makes this unnecessary controversy.

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