Israel " The 12 Lost Jewish Tribe "

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Ten Northern Tribes of Israel 'Lost' refers to the ten Tribes of Israel who came from Northern Kingdom of Israel that are not known to exist anymore after the conquest by the Assyrians (Assyrian). And 2 Southern Tribes of Judah, which split after King Solomon dies.

Who actually Northern Ten Tribes of Israel 'Lost'? Jesus answered : "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew, 15:24). This means in a spiritual sense Christians are the Ten Northern Tribes of Israel 'Lost' from the people of Israel in all Interest / Nation, without exception there are genes Israel

Recalling the incident ever before

Around 1900 BC, there is a Hebrew named Jacob who is the ancestor of Israel. Jacob's name later changed to Israel. Israel had 12 sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin. Heredity is they who are called by the 12 Tribes of Israel. The 12-tribe is referred to as "the people of Israel".

After they occupied the land of Canaan, the tribe of Levi did not get the inheritance because they are a special tribe, the tribe of priests. The tribe of Joseph was divided into two according to the sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim is (as Joseph received a double blessing from his father, Israel). Thus the land of Canaan was divided into 12 sections by the Nation of Israel.

Then, the 12 Tribes of Israel reached its peak in the reign of King Solomon in the tenth century BC. But after the death of Solomon, the kingdom of Israel split into two, Northern Kingdom of Israel (which is called the Kingdom of Israel), and the Southern Kingdom of Israel (which is called the kingdom of Judah). Capital of the Kingdom of Israel in Samaria and the kingdom of Judah / Judea capital in Jerusalem. The word "Jew" is used to refer to descendants of the southern kingdom, which eventually form the modern State of Israel, thus referring to the people of modern Israel.

Ten Northern Tribes of Israel 'Lost' comes from the northern kingdom, while the tribe of Judah and Benjamin joined the southern kingdom. In the eighth century BC The northern kingdom was conquered by the Assyrian Nation from the Assyrian Empire, and the Ten Tribes of Israel was held captive and forced to go to the Land of Assyria. They never came back again and there is no record of them again. They are called the Ten Northern Tribes of Israel 'Lost'.

About the tribe of Simeon is not mentioned much and believed to have been dispersed since the death of Jacob, some sources combine this with the Ten Tribes Tribes of the 'missing' from the north, but several others combine it with the southern kingdom, and its position in the 'tenth' Interest replaced by ' Manasseh west 'and' eastern Manasseh '(a large tribe of Manasseh have two sections of land, one on the west bank of the Jordan, and one on the east).

12 Tribes of Israel

According to Jewish and Christian scriptures, Jacob has 12 sons and 1 daughter who recorded (Dina) of two wives and two concubines, ie (by order of birth in brackets):

Leah     : Reuben (1), Simeon (2), Levi (3), Judah (4), Issachar (9), Zebulun (10), Dina (P)
Rachel  : Joseph (11), Benjamin (12)
Bilhah   : Dan (5), Naphtali (6)
Zilpah   : Gad (7), Asher (8)

The 12-boy became the father of the ancestors of the 12 Tribes of Israel. When Moses, Eleazar, Joshua & the Chieftains-tribes of Israel divided the land on the 12 Tribes of Israel, the tribe of Levi did not get the part because the tribe is a pastor. Later in its development Tribe of Joseph was replaced by the tribe of Ephraim and Manasseh (Which is the son of Joseph from his Egyptian wife named Asenath).

And Allah has taken a covenant (of) the Children of Israel and We lift them 12 captains, and God said: "Surely I am with you, Except ye establish worship and practice regular charity and believe in My apostles and you help them and ye loan to Allah a good loan behold, I will cover your sins. and thou will I dropped into a paradise flowing rivers of water therein. So whoever among you who disbelieve after that, in fact he has strayed from the straight path.

5. Al Maa'idah 12

Tribe of Judah, Tribe of Simeon, and the tribe of Benjamin joined to form the Kingdom of Judah / Judea, which are believed to be the forerunner of the Jews who live today. Tribe of Levi who had religious duties have absolutely no soil (controls only 6 Cities area of ​​Temple and the rest). While the other tribe (Reuben, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim, Manasseh East, and West Manasseh) is part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who later declared as Interest 'Lost'.

Northern Kingdom of Israel

After the civil war in the reign of Rehoboam, the son of King Solomon, 10 Tribe break away from the main kingdom and create your own kingdom is the kingdom of Northern Israel. 10 This tribe is composed of nine tribe (which has the right to land) that is Tribe of Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Gad, and several members of the tribe of Levi who do not have land rights. Simeon is not mentioned at all in the Bible and many believe that this tribe has scattered since the death of Jacob.

Judah, South Kingdom of Israel, its capital in Jerusalem and led by King Rehoboam. This kingdom has a population of the Tribe of Judah and Benjamin (and also by some members of Levi and Simeon that was left).

Conquest by Foreign Nations

In the year 721 BC [Samaria] as the capital of northern kingdom of Israel was invaded by the armies of Assyria (Assyrian), led by Shalmaneser V and Sargon II followed by. And one year later Samaria succumbed and destroyed. Population of Northern Kingdom of Israel which is the 10 Tribes of Israel exiled and banished to Khorason, which is now part of eastern Iran and western Afghanistan. These tribes believed by the Jews at this time has been lost to history.

The war was continued in the Middle East. Powerful nations clashing with each other fighting over the Middle East region. In the year 603 BC, the power of Assyrians (Assyrian) is replaced by the Nation of Babel (Babylon). In the reign of Babylon, the kingdom of Judah fell southern Israel, and Jerusalem was destroyed (587 BC), and there have been in exile in Babylon. 50 years later, 538 BC, Persian Empire seized control of Babylon.

Part of the Tribe of Judah and Benjamin allowed to return to Judea. But the other ten Tribes of Israel, residents of Northern Kingdom of Israel, never mentioning it again as the two rates, so they dubbed the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel 'Lost'.

Flavius ​​Josephus writing about Northern Ten Tribes of Israel 'Lost

In the Old Testament 2 Kings 18:11 says : 11 The king of Assyria deported Israel to Assyria and settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in towns of the Medes. 12 This happened because they had not obeyed the LORD their God, but had violated his covenant—all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded. They neither listened to the commands nor carried them out.

These places are now located on the northern part of Iraq and northwest Iran, called Kurdistan. The Ten Tribes of Israel was initially transported to it. According to the ancient historian Flavius ​​Josephus who lived in the first century, he wrote about the existence of the Ten Tribes : "The Ten Tribes are located in the Euphrates till now, and a very large number, that number can not be predicted." (Antiquities 11:2)

Josephus wrote that in the first century AD the ten Tribes of Israel live in very large numbers across the Euphrates River. This may mean that some of them scattered to the east of the river Euphrates.

Pathans (Pasthun) in Afghanistan & Pakistan

Pathans or Pasthun regard themselves as the children of Israel, even though they are Muslims. Pasthun nation has similarities with the habits of ancient Israel. Pasthun nation now lives in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. They are called Afghans or Pishtus according to its language. In Afghanistan, there were approximately six million people, and in Pakistan about seven to eight million people and two million people no longer live like Bedouins. Evidence is interesting is some of the names the same tribes with tribes of Israel such as the Tribe of Reuben Harabni namely, the Shinwari tribe of Simeon, Tribe Levani - Levi, the tribe Daftani - Naftali, Jaji Tribe - Gad, Tribe Ashuri - Asher, Tribe Yusuf Su, sons of Joseph, Tribe Afridi - Ephraim, and so on. Pathans or Pasthun admitted having a relationship with the ancient kingdom of Israel from the tribe of Benjamin and the house of Saul. According to tradition, Saul had a son, named Jeremiah who has a son named Afghana.

According to the Bible 2 Kings, Chronicles 1 and 2, the ten Tribes of Israel exiled to Halah, Havor, river Gozan and Cities Maday. Some similarities with ancient Israel Pasthun Tradition: having circumcision for boys on the eighth day, patrilineal (Mr. Line), using Talith (Cloak Prayer) Tsitsit, marriage (Hupah), custom women (washing in the river), the marriage of the family mother or father (Yibum), Highly respected father, a ban on horse and camel meat eating, Shabbat by preparing 12 Hallah bread, turn the candles on Shabbat, Yom Kippur, cure diseases with the help of the book of Psalms (Psalms placed under the patient, the name Hebrew names in the villages and the name of Moses, and use the Star of David symbol. They lived as scattered tribes and traditions that have laws or legal Pashtunwali Pasthun similar to the law. Pasthun tradition marriage laws, which require that brother men married the widow of his brother who died without descendants, just as ancient Israel (Deuteronomy, 25:5-6). Pasthun also sacrifice a goat-sheep tradition of redemption, just as the sins of ancient Israel which imposes a whole nation of sheep who had been driven into the desert and slaughtered.

Kashmir in northern India

India's northern Kashmir which there are around 5-7 million people. There is a Hebrew name in the valley and in villages in Kashmir as Har Nevo, Beit Peor, Pisgah, Heshubon. Most researchers argue that the nation of Kashmir Northern Ten Tribes of Israel descendants of the 'Lost' in exile in 722 BC. Their physical appearance is different from most people of India. The tradition they do indicate the origin of the difference.

Kashmiris have the feast of the Passover in the spring, when done adjusting differences moon and the solar calendar, in a way like the Jews. They are identifying themselves as Bene Israel, Children of Israel. Kashmiri people respect the Sabbath (rest from all types of work); circumcise infants at the age of eight months; do not eat fish that is not scaled and finned, and celebrate some of the other Jewish holidays, but not derived from the destruction of the Temple after the first (such as Hannukah) .

Shin-lung (Bnei Manasseh) around the India-Myanmar border

In the mountains on both sides of the India-Myanmar border, about 2 million people residing Shin-lung. They have a tradition of killing the sacrificial animal such as the tribes of ancient Israel in general, and call themselves children of Manasseh or Bnei Manasseh. Manasseh said many emerging in poems and prayers (they call "Oh God of Manasseh"). They have a tradition of stories that say that they were banished to a place located to the west of their home, then migrated eastward and became herders and deity worship.

Their migration continued eastward, reaching Tibet-China border, then follow the flow of the River Wei, to enter and settle in Central China around the year 230 BC. Chinese people make them as slaves, so some of them ran away and lived in the caves of the mountains of Shin-lung, and live in poverty for two generations. They also called the cave or the mountain and keep their holy books. Eventually they began to assimilate with the people of China and influenced Chinese culture, until finally they left the caves of the mountains and go west, through Thailand, to Myanmar. After that they traveled without a holy book, and build an oral tradition, until the Mandaley River, and towards the Chin Mountains. In the 18th century some of them migrated to Manipur and Mizoram, Northeast India.

They realize that they are not Chinese although the Chinese language local dialect, and call themselves Lusi which means Ten Tribes ("Lu" means the Tribe, and "the" means ten). Manasseh traditions include circumcision (now abandoned), the ceremony of blessing children at age 8 days, religious holidays that are similar to the Jewish religious holiday, the practice of marriage in law for the continuance of family name, the name of God as "Yahweh", and maintain a poem similar to the Exodus story of the crossing when the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea.

In every village there is the ever Priest or Priest named Aaron (Aaron, brother of Moses and the Jewish First Priest) with hereditary inheritance. One of their tasks was to oversee the village, pray and offer sacrifices, with her robes'breastplate ', belt and crown, and always opened the prayer with the name of Manasseh. In case there are people falling sick, the priest is called to bless the patient and to sacrifice. Priest will slaughter a sheep or goat and smear its blood on the ear, back and legs while saying incantations patients similar to Leviticus, 14:14. In the case of specific diseases, held a special ceremony. Such redemption ceremony performed by cutting the wings of birds and feathers spread into the air.

In the case of leprosy, the priest slaughtered birds in the open field. For penance, performed sacrificial lamb on the altar as was done in the Temple (as witnessed by a writer in Myanmar jungle circa 1963-1964). Blood sacrifices etched at the end of the altar, the meat is eaten. Yom Kippur is celebrated as the day of redemption, once a year as the Jewish tradition. Imam vehicles should not be made of metal, but of clay, fabric, or wood. Practice idolatry and believe in the occult connection with the spirits and demons. Believe in reincarnation but trust God in heaven will help in distress.

Qiang (Ch'iang-min) in western China

Qiang people or Ch'iang-min (about 250 thousand people, 1920) settled in Sichuan Province, western China, in a mountainous area west of the Min River, near the border of Tibet [Thomas Torrance "The History, Customs and Religion of the Ch'iang People of West China "(1920) and" China's First Missionaries: Ancient Israelites "(1937)]. They consider themselves as immigrants from the west who come to this place after walking for three years and three months. Chinese people regard them as barbarians, and they judge people of China as a pagan (Ch'iang-min believes in only one God and call it 'Yawei' when in trouble).

Ch'iang-min practice sacrificial offerings made ​​Priest, positions that can only be held by a married man (Im, 21:7,13) and passed down through the generations. The priest wore a spotless white robe and turban special. The altar is made of stone not cut with metal tools (Exodus, 20:25), and should not be approached by strangers and "defect" (Leviticus, 21:17-23). Priests Ch'iang-min using a rope robe, and a stick shaped like a snake (the story of Moses in the desert). After prayer, the Imam and burned the inside flesh of the sacrifice, and took the shoulder, chest, legs and skin, while the meat is distributed to providers offerings.

When the offerings, they fly the flag 12 around the altar to keep the tradition that they originated from one father who had 12 children. (They are the descendants of Abraham and tradition as berleluhur a father with 12 children). Among those Ch'iang-min, there was blood on the tradition of applying a threshold for the safety and security of home, marriage law, a hood for women, to name a child at the age of 7 days until late evening the 40th.

Interest groups / Other Nations 'indicated' offspring of the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel 'Lost'

Samaria in Israel & Palestine
Bedouin, Bedul in Israel, Palestine & Jordan
Kurds in Syria, Iraq, Iran & Turkey
Parthians in Iran
Bukharia in Countries of Central Asia & Kazakhstan
Afridi Pathans in India & Pakistan
Bene Israel in India & Pakistan
Bene Ephraim in India
Nasranis Kerala (Malabar) in southern India
Kaifeng in China
China-Taiwan in the Taiwan
Koreans in North Korea & South Korea
The tribes in the Philippines
Nias in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Batak-Toba in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
In the western part of Sumatra Mentawai, Indonesia
Minangkabau of western Sumatra, Indonesia
Enggano in southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Dayak in Kalimantan (Indonesia, Malaysia & Brunei)
Talaud in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sanghie in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Minahasa in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Mandar in southern Borneo & southern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Southern Toraja in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sumba, Sabu, Ndao, Rote, Manggarai, Riung, Ngada, Nagekeo, Lio, Ende, Sikka, Larantuka, Adonara, Solor, Lembata, Pantar, Pura, Alor, Timor-Helong, East Timor Dawan & Belu in Flobamora, Indonesia & Timor Leste
The tribes in northern Maluku, Indonesia
Alef'uru and other tribes in southern Maluku, Indonesia
Some of the Melanesian tribe in Papua, Indonesia & Papua New Guinea
Eskimos in Canada & Alaska, United States
Indian-American in Canada & United States
Polynesian, Hawaiian in Hawaii, United States
Some of the tribe in Cameroon
Bilad el-Sudan, Mali & Ghana
Annang in Nigeria
Efik in Nigeria
Ibibio in Nigeria
Ibo (Igbo) in Nigeria
Sefwi (House of Israel) in Ghana
Children of Israel in Senegal
Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-Israelism) that form the Kingdom of Great Britain & the Commonwealth of the United States
Gaul in northern France
Germany (Franka)
Denmark (Danes)
Sweden (Sami)
Finland (Finn)
Viking in Norway & Iceland
Polynesian-Maori in New Zealand
Micronesia, Kiribati, Kiribati

Interest groups / Other Nations 'indicated' Some of the offspring of two South Tribe of Judah, the 'Lost'

Arab-Jews in Arab League Countries & OIC Countries
Persian-Jewish in Iran
Some Tribes in Afghanistan
Some Tribes in Kyrgyzstan
Cuban-Jewish Cuban
Jamaica-Jews in Jamaica
Puerto Rico-Jews in Puerto Rico
Barbados-Jews in Barbados
Suriname-Jews in Suriname
Indian-Jewish-Incan (Bnei Moshe) in Peru
Amazon-Jews in the South American Countries
Berber-Jewish North African Countries
Some Tribes in Sudan
Serai in Eritrea
Meroni in Eritrea
Dembia in Ethiopia
Falash Mura (Beit Avraham) in Ethiopia
Falasha (Beta Israel) in Ethiopia & Kenya
Some Tribes in Laikipia, Kenya
Abayudaya in Uganda
Bakwa Dishi in Zaire & Congo
Some of the Tribe in Sao Tome & Principe
Some Tribes in Mali
Some Tribes in Cote d'Ivoire
Some of the tribe in Guinea
Some Tribes in Cape Verde
Lemba in Zimbabwe & South Africa
Latin-Jewish (Bnei Anousim) in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, France, Romania, Philippines, Timor Leste, Latin American States, the United States & Australia
San Nicandro in Italy
Polish-Jewish in Poland
Subbotniks in Russia

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