Soeharto; Bearers New World Order from Indonesia

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General Suharto coup against Sukarno was successful , send a team consisting of Prof. economy . Sadli , Prof. . Soemitro Djoyohadikusumoh , and a professor of economics at the University of Berkeley graduate of the U.S. economy - because the team is also referred to as the ' Berkeley Mafia ' - into Switzerland . They want to hold a meeting with a number of world Jewish conglomerate led Rockefeller .

In Switzerland , as can be seen from the documentary by John Pilger titled " The New Ruler of the World ' which can be downloaded on the youtube site , messengers of General Suharto 's economic team is mortgaging the entire country's natural wealth before Rockefeler cs . With good as his stomach , they divided the archipelago and gave it to the Jewish entrepreneurs . Gold mountain left to Freeport in Papua , Aceh's oil field to Exxon , and so on . Law on Foreign Investment ( FDI Act ) was designed in 1967 in Switzerland , indulging the desires of the Jewish entrepreneurs .

Until this moment , when Suharto had died and been buried in the family cemetery near Imogiri , at an altitude of 666 meters with the land above sea level ( ! ? ) , Robbery of the entire country's natural wealth still went ahead and did exceptionally freely by the World Jewish corporations . The result can be seen everywhere : the poverty rate in this country increasingly bloated , increasingly many children drop out of school , more and more small children wandering the highway , more and more parents despair and suicide , more and more crazy people wandering in the villages , more and more crime , more and more cases of corruption , and a series of more indisputable facts when the country is sliding into the abyss amid the destruction . Suharto was the mastermind of all this .

But who would have thought , even though they had a lot of scientific books written by scholars from home and abroad about how abominable performance in the current government of General Suharto in power for a little more than 32 years , with millions of facts and documents are indisputable , but the name of Suharto still regarded by some non- fragrant . In fact there were so ridiculous to suggest that the figure is referred to as the Bung Karno General Stubborn ( Dutch : Koepeg ) awarded as a national hero and was given the title of the nation's teachers . Although laughable , but it is a fact .

Therefore , this paper tried to explain what it is about General Suharto . So that at least , they were considered worthy of Suharto was named teacher of the nation or a national hero , to be able bermuhasabah and perform deeper reflection , it is true that such actions .

Historical facts must be established , a Suharto guilty or not should be decided by way of the law via the courts . It is very presumptuous calling these people to forgive the sins of the Suharto before we all know what sins Suharto because he had never dragged before the court .

This paper will attempt to capture the journey of a Suharto , before and after becoming president . So that no more of thought that says, " Let Suharto had one , but he still had a lot to build this country . The work and development we can feel together today . See , many magnificent buildings stand in Jakarta , the streets are large and smooth protocol , strong highway , Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is cheap , and so on . Clearly , however , Suharto made ​​a large contribution in building this country ! "

Or there is no one who said , "The Age of Suharto better than now , the price of the goods can be cheap , not like now the all expensive . It would be better if we go back to the Suharto era ... " Only those Suhartoisme , who got the part of a party of hot money in the New Order era and may well now , who dares to say it . Or if not , yes it could be , they are the people who have not been enlightened .

Suharto was born in Kemusuk , Argomulyo , Yogyakarta , June 8, 1921 , from a family of farmers who embrace psychotherapy Java ( the Java black magic ) . This family continued confidence in the future was maintained until old age . His career started as a bank employee in the countryside , although not for long . He was also a laborer and then take the first military career as a Colonial Army soldiers under the Dutch colonial army contingents . When the Japanese invaded in 1942, Suharto joined PETA . When Sukarno proclaimed independence , Suharto joined the TKR .

One of the ' achievements ' of Suharto's military often its stated while he was ruling General Offensive March 1, 1949 on Jogjakarta . Even the ' achievement ' is deliberately filmed under the title ' Janur Yellow ' (1979 ) which shows if a general strike was initiated and led by Lieutenant Colonel Suharto . In fact , it's actually a general strike initiated by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX . Even Colonel Latif Hendradiningrat who co-led forces in the incident testified if Suharto was not fighting . " Instead, he was busy eating tripe soup in line behind the safety ... "

( Defense Latif at Home Mahmillub , 06/27/1978 ) .

In 1959 , Suharto , who was then serving as the Regional Commander Diponegoro fired by Nasution with disrespect because Suharto has used its military institutions to collect money from companies in Central Java . Suharto was then also discovered illegal activities such as smuggling participate sugar and cotton with Bob Hasan and Liem Sioe Liong .

To facilitate the smuggling , established shipping companies to conduct controlled by Bob Hasan . It is said that , in carrying out this illicit business , Bob uses the ships ' Indonesian Overseas ' belongs to CM Chow . Who C.M. Chow 's ? He is a double agent . In 1950 he became a secret agent of the Japanese army in Shanghai . But he was the representative of the Mao Tse Tung , in recruiting overseas Chinese from the Japanese to the Asian communist network .

In 1943 , Chow was assigned to Japan to Jakarta . When Japan pull out of Indonesia , Jakarta Chow remains in the shipping business and opened the first in the country . Chow not only foster the Chinese citizens in Central and East Java , but also in Sumatra and Sulawesi . One is the surrogate father Eddy Tansil and Hendra Rahardja surnamed Tan . Mao Tan is a sleeping agent in East Indonesia . In the mid -1980s , Hendra Rahardja and Sioe Liong Liem established a number of factories in Fujian , China

( Who Actually Suharto ; Eros Djarot ; 2006) .

Nasution was then very angry that wants to oust Suharto of the Armed Forces and dragged him to the Military Court , but at the urging of Gatot Subroto , Suharto finally released and sent to SSKAD ( School of Staff and Command of the Army ) . Besides Nasution , Yani also upset over the act of Suharto and later crossed out the name of Suharto from the list of participants in SSKAD , which makes it one of Suharto's revenge against Yani . Moreover Amad Yani is the favorite son of Bung Karno .

Colonel Pranoto Rekso Samoedro Diponegoro was appointed as Regional Commander replace Suharto . Pranoto , the students officer , pull back all the Diponegoro military facilities belonging to the employer lent Suharto China for their own interests . Suharto was hurt and resentment to Pranoto , also against Nasution and Yani .

In SSKAD , Suharto nominated to become Chairman of the Senate . However, IN . Panjaitan balked saying he did not believe the Suharto are judged not to be trusted because they have a lot of dirty records in kair military , among others, smuggling with Chinese businessmen on the pretext to build unity , but what happens is to enrich himself .

Suharto over the incident very angry. Increased again revenge Suharto, in addition to Nasution, Yani, Pranoto, now Panjaitan. Strange but true, the events of October 1, 1965, Suharto enemies, namely: Nasution, Yani, and Panjaitan, the target of assassination, while Suharto himself who is the second person in the Armed Forces are not included in the list of death. And when Yani was killed, Bung Karno lifted Pranoto Rekso Samudro as Chief of Staff of the Army, but was tripped by Suharto Pranoto that Suharto took over the leadership of the Army, so as to avoid bloodshed and civil war because Siliwangi in West Java (Ibrahim Adjie) and Marines (Marines) in East Java has vowed to be in the back of Sukarno, and if Sukarno ordered to 'sweep' the power of Suharto in Jakarta, then they are ready to fight the Suharto Sukarno inaugurated as Army Chief on October 14, 1965.

Post World War II , the United States sees Russia as the only party that could hinder its hegemony over the world . Marshall Plan was launched in an effort to stem the influence of communism that are becoming more widespread , from Eastern Europe towards South Asia , a strategic region of the world trade and geopolitics , is also very rich in natural resources and also human . U.S. very concerned if the area of occupation. Of all countries in the region , Indonesia was the one the country's most strategic and most wealthy . The U.S. is well aware of this , because it's in the Indonesian region is the only region called the Marshall Plan.Namun to beat Indonesia , the U.S. obviously difficult because the country is being led by a difficult set , smart , and slick . He was the Bung Karno .

There is no other way , this person must be overthrown , in various ways . History has recorded with both how the CIA directly involved rebellions against Sukarno power . The CIA also maintains its cadres in the field of education ( which later spawned the Berkeley Mafia ) , approaching and political parties riding on his behalf ( for example via PSI ) , fostering of surrogate cells in the army ( local army friend ) and so on . After repeated failed to oust Sukarno and even want to kill him , finally at the end of the half , 1965, Sukarno succeeded disingkirkan.Setelah event October 1, 1965 , the de facto control of the country's General Suharto .

The third week until the beginning of 1966, General Suharto commissioned soldiers who slaughtered millions of Indonesian people accused of unilaterally communist cadres and sympathizers , without carrying out a fair trial . The international media silent on the crimes against humanity that exceeds Polpot regime in Cambodia , since the U.S. is very diuntungkan.Jatuhnya Sukarno and the rise of General Suharto joyfully celebrated by Washington . Even President Nixon called it " The greatest gift of Southeast Asia " .

A country with a very strategic region , rich in natural resources , all minerals , and so it has successfully mastered and in a short time will be a ' cash cow ' for the triumph of Western imperialism . Sure enough , November , 1967, General Suharto economists assign a pro-US team to meet the International Jewish bosses in Switzerland . Doctoral Dissertation Brad Sampson , of Northwestern University in the U.S. explore the facts in the early history of New Order Indonesia . Prof . Jeffrey Winters was appointed as promoters .

Indonesianists from Australia, John Pilger in The New Rulers of The World, citing Sampson and writes: "In the month of November 1967, following the capture of 'greatest gift' (a term the U.S. government to Indonesia after Sukarno fell and was replaced by Suharto), then catch it is divided. The Time Life Corporation sponsored a special conference in Geneva, Switzerland, that within three days discussing the Indonesian takeover strategy. The participants consisted of the entire capitalist most influential in the world, people like David Rockefeller. 

All the corporate giants represented Western oil companies and banks, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, the International Paper Corporation, U.S. Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, Asian Development Bank, Chase Manhattan, and so on. "Across the table sat Suharto people who by Rockefeller and other Jewish businessmen called 'Indonesian economists corrupt'. "In Geneva, the Indonesian team known as 'The Berkeley Mafia' because some of them never enjoy a scholarship from the government of the United States to study at the University of California at Berkeley. 

They come as a beggar who voiced the things desired by the present employer. Thrusting the items sold from the state and nation. Indonesia's Economic Team offers: labor is plentiful and cheap, reserves and abundant natural resources and a large market. "Still in quote John Pilger," On the second day, the Indonesian economy has divided the sector-by-sector. "Prof. Jeffrey Winters called it, "It's done in a very spectacular way." 

"They divided into five sections: mining in one room, services in another room, the only room in the light industry, banking and finance in another room; conducted by Chase Manhattan sits with a delegation that dictate policies that can accepted by them and other investors. We saw this big corporate leaders around from one table to another, saying, 'This is what we want, that's what we want, this, this, and this.' 

And they basically designed the legal infrastructure to invest. Surely the laws that benefit them. I have never heard of a situation like that before, where global capital sits with representatives of the country as a sovereign state and is assumed to design requirements for their investments in their own country. "Freeport get a mountain of copper in West Papua (Henry Kissinger, the U.S. Jewish businessmen , sits in the Board of Commissioners). A consortium of European Nickel in West Papua gain. 
 In addition the company Rockefellar established PT Freeport in Papua, formerly published as a copper mining company, but in fact they mine gold. After information leaked to the public, they and the Indonesian government (at that time) made an agreement that this information should be in disguise. Went out a statement that the newly discovered gold mines and carat gold containing less good, and will be sold to a foreign company australia at cheap prices. However, after the mining process occurs, it contains carat gold is 24 carat best and sold to the American company (which is actually owned by PT Freeport's sememangnya american company). 

The last PT Freeport mining, without giving input to the Indonesian government a penny. In the Year 2011 leak of information that PT Freeport discovered uranium (atomic bomb material) much covered. It is known that the U.S. is the first country to discover the atomic bomb. Uranium is very rare in this world. However Coincidentally Americans find material uranium mine in Papua Indonesia. When in kronologiskan this event, we know they have been stringing scenarios to have the uranium mines and their agents have discovered from old uranium mine. 

so they have plenty of material to make atomic bombs. When elaborated that in fact the American government has military bases in almost every country and almost every peninsula (the beaches) and islands in anticipation of the countries of the world, and the confidentiality of their agencies is widespread everywhere, aided by the embassy of those who are established in all countries. As with the American embassy in Jakarta in which the agency established the CIA and calmly they publish to the world community. If the Indonesian people look or the streets in the area of ​​American embassies in Jakarta today (2013-2015) would have looked a sign of development, because they're extending the embassy, ​​because in addition to which there embassies and secret agency, they would establish central asia military bases there. 

can be said that the U.S. government plans to establish a new world order with a 2020 deadline, which aired the idea in 1984 will be implemented. Because in addition to the military, and political agency, the U.S. government has a democratic capitalist business and global business, and that the free market is proclaimed to be controlled precisely by the stock exchange (wallstreet America). 

When restored colonial process of this new world order, one might say the process started from Indonesia. The giant Alcoa getting the lion's share of Indonesia's bauxite. A group of American companies, Japanese, and French get tropical forests in Borneo, Sumatra, and West Papua. A law on foreign investment in a hurry presented to President Suharto made ​​a foray country's government-sanctioned tax-free for five years. By Suharto, people are bombarded with propaganda development, Pancasila, and the trickle-down effect to the increased well-being, but the fact that is actually happening on the ground in a systematic process of impoverishment of the people who made ​​the Suharto regime.

has stated that the world war criminals (terrorists) are spreading American business capitalism (permonopolian) business and democracy (politics).

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